Server Reference Guide : Loadnrun : Before You Use Loadnrun
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Before You Use Loadnrun
Pre-requisites for using Loadnrun are:
Installing the Loadnrun Client runtime on the target machine.
The Loadnrun client requires administrative rights but is packaged as a standard Microsoft Installer Package (MSI) installer. You may use Active Directory to push this runtime onto the target machine.
Connecting to an OpenROAD Server running the Loadnrun Server component.
Access to the OpenROAD Server can be provided over HTTP or SSL through a standard URL.
After meeting these requirements, any user can access OpenROAD eClient applications that are hosted on a Loadnrun Server through a Windows shortcut or simple command.
These versions of OpenROAD support the following versions of Loadnrun:
OpenROAD Version
Loadnrun Version
OpenROAD 5.1.1 (or higher)
Loadnrun 5.1
OpenROAD 6.0.2 (or higher)
Loadnrun 6.0
OpenROAD 6.2.0 (or higher)
Loadnrun 6.2
Only one version of the Loadnrun Server can be configured per machine. The Loadnrun Server may host Loadnrun eClient applications for any version of Loadnrun supported (5.1, 6.0, or 6.2). The Loadnrun Server application image must be compatible with the version of OpenROAD that the Server uses. Loadnrun expects the II_W4GLAPPS_DIR, II_W4GLAPPS_SYS, and PATH to be set at the Windows system level.
The optional Ingres Net Client can be installed and configured when the Loadnrun Client runtime is installed. Loadnrun 5.1 and Loadnrun 6.0 install an Ingres 10.0.0-based Net Client. Loadnrun 6.2 install an Ingres 10.1.1-based Net Client. The Ingres installation code is fixed and is associated with the Loadnrun Client version:
Loadnrun Client
Ingres Net Client Installation Code
Loadnrun 5.1
Loadnrun 6.0
Loadnrun 6.2
Installing the Net Client option enables access to a Server installation (Ingres, Enterprise Access or Actian Vector) instance using Ingres Net, provided that the target server is accessible.
Loadnrun is distributed with its own installer, separate from the OpenROAD installer. You can obtain the Loadnrun installers from ESD. The names of the installers use the following convention:
where buildnum corresponds to the current OpenROAD build number for that release. All Loadnrun installers can be installed onto the same machine, side by side.
OpenROAD versions 5.1, 6.0, and 6.2 can be installed on the same machine concurrently. Only one OpenROAD Server can be configured per physical system. OpenROAD 5.1, OpenROAD 6.0 and OpenROAD 6.2 Servers are capable of hosting all versions of the Loadnrun Server runtimes and can be used to deploy Loadnrun 5.1, Loadnrun 6.0, and Loadnrun 6.2 applications.
If those using the client system desire to use multiple versions of Loadnrun applications, the corresponding Loadnrun Client runtime must be installed. This technique can be used as a migration mechanism to a new release. The existing versions of customer applications and the OpenROAD runtime do not have to be changed to implement a new version of OpenROAD or new versions of customer applications.