Method | Return Value | Description | Inherited From |
BlankBitmap (width = integer, height = integer [, color = integer] [, template = BitmapObject]) | BitmapObject | Empties the bitmap object and builds a new bitmap of the specified size and color | Defined |
CaptureBitmap (windowhandle = integer [, xstart = integer] [, ystart = integer] [, width = integer] [, height = integer] [, replacement = BitmapObject] [, clear = integer] [, opacity = float]) | BitmapObject | Captures a displayed region of a field, frame, or screen as a bitmap object, and optionally replaces the captured region with the image from a different bitmap | Defined |
ComposeBitmap (elementtype = integer, elements = array of BitmapObject [, width = integer] [, dividertype = integer] [, hasicons = integer]) | BitmapObject | Collates a passed array of bitmap objects (elements) into a single bitmap object (the host bitmap itself) | Defined |
CornerBitmap (corner = integer, radius = integer [, borderwidth = integer] [, bordercolor = integer] [, border3dcolor = integer] [, interior = BitmapObject] [, exterior = BitmapObject] [, backcolor = integer]) | integer | Changes the bitmap to display an anti-aliased corner curve with the specified border width, border color, interior, and exterior | Defined |
DeleteFromDB() | integer | Deletes a bitmap from the database | Defined |
Duplicate() | BitmapObject | Makes a duplicate of the object, placing a reference to the new object in a reference variable | Object |
Elements (type = integer, imageindex = integer, elementdetails = array of ChoiceDetail, extractimages = integer) | array of BitmapObject | Obtains the set of all elements of a specified type contained in a composite BitmapObject. The elements can be images, sectors, or sprite source images. | Defined |
ExtractBitmap ([xstart = integer] [, ystart = integer] [, width = integer] [, height = integer] [, bitmap = BitmapObject]) | BitmapObject | Captures a region of the bitmap object image as another bitmap object | Defined |
FillBitmap (replacementcolor = integer | replacementbitmap = BitmapObject [, x = integer, y = integer] [, range = integer] [, all = integer] [, boundary = integer] [, bounds = integer]) | BitmapObject | Applies a specified replacement color to those pixels that either match the color of a specified "seed" pixel or fall within a color-defined boundary | Defined |
FormatBitmap ([formattype = integer] [, formatmode = integer] [, width = integer] [, height = integer] [, force = integer] [, xHotspot = integer] [, yHotspot = integer]) | BitmapObject | Converts a bitmap object of any format that OpenROAD can read into a 24-bit bitmap object, icon, or cursor bitmap | Defined |
GetDisplayedElement (selectiontype = integer, hostfield = BitmapObject [, elementindex = integer] [, x = integer, y = integer] [, elementdetail = ChoiceDetail [, secondelementdetail = ChoiceDetail]] [, extractimages = integer] [, ignoreclearregions = integer] [, xleft = integer, ytop = integer]) | BitmapObject | Extracts the specified element from a multi-image bitmap that is currently displayed as a field’s background | Defined |
GetAttribute (attributename = byref(variable) {,attributename = byref(variable)}) | integer | Gets the values of any number of attributes for the object | Object |
GetPixelColor ([x = integer, y = integer, ] [coordinates = LongByteObject, coordindex = integer]) | BitmapObject | Returns the color of a pixel defined by position | Defined |
GradientBitmap ([type = integer] [, start = integer] [, pattern = array of IntegerObject] [, driftpattern = array of IntegerObject] | , seed = BitmapObject], width = integer, height = integer) | integer | Creates a gradient and applies it to the bitmap. The gradient can be specified as a seed bitmap or as a pattern (with optional driftpattern). | Defined |
InsertIntoDB ([tablename = varchar]) | integer | Puts the bitmap image associated with the bitmap object into the specified table and constructs a DBHandle for the bitmap | Defined |
IsA (class = classname) | integer | Returns TRUE if the object is of the same class as, or one of the subclasses of, the class specified by classname | Object |
LoadLong(object = Object) | integer | Loads the object with the data contained within a BitmapObject or StringObject | Defined |
LocateBitmap (bitmap = BitmapObject [, xstart = integer] [, ystart = integer] [, searchwidth = integer] [, searchheight = integer] [, searchdirection = integer] [, clearcolor = integer] [, match = integer] [, locations = LongByteObject], x = Byref(integer), y = Byref(integer)) LocateBitmap (bitmap = BitmapObject, locations = LongByteObject, locationindex = integer, x = Byref(integer), y = Byref(integer)) | integer | Searches within the bitmap for a specified bitmap image | Defined |
OrientBitmap (angle = integer | reflection = integer [, backcolor = integer] [, asnewobject = integer]) | BitmapObject | Rotates or reflects a bitmap geometrically | Defined |
ReplaceBitmap (replacement = BitmapObject [, x = integer, y = integer] [, clearcolor = integer] [, asnewobject = integer] [, coordinates = Object [, xseed = integer] [, yseed = integer]]) | BitmapObject | Replaces an area of a bitmap with another bitmap | Defined |
ReplaceTransparency (replacementcolor = integer [, alphavalue = integer]); | integer | Changes the color of the transparency layer of a image | Defined |
ResizeBitmap (width = integer, height = integer, resizemode = integer [, bitmap = BitmapObject] [, clearcolor = integer]) | BitmapObject | Changes the size of the bitmap to a specified new size: bilinear, block, or halftone | Defined |
SetAttribute (attributename = value {,attributename = value}) | integer | Sets any number of attributes for the object | Object |
SetPixelColor ([x = integer, y = integer, ] color = integer [, coordinates = LongByteObject]) | BitmapObject | Applies a specified replacement color to one or more pixels defined by position | Defined |
UpdateInDB() | integer | Replaces a bitmap in the database | Defined |
WriteToFile (filename = varchar(256), format = integer) | integer | Writes a bitmap associated with a bitmap object to a file | Defined |