Attribute | Data Type | Description | Inherited From |
AcrossValues | array of QueryCol | Stores the array of values on which the returned data is based (RW) | CrossTable |
Aggregate | QueryCol | Stores the aggregate value mapped to a particular cell in the CrossTable display (RW) | CrossTable |
Breaks | array of BreakSpec | Stores the data stream's data breaks in sorted order by break level (R) | DataStream |
ClassName | varchar(32) | Gives the name of an object's actual type (as opposed to its declared type) (R) | Object |
ClientData | Object | Provides a way to associate data with an object (RW) | Object |
ClientInteger | integer | Is an arbitrary integer for use by the user (RW) | DataStream |
Columns | array of QueryCol | Is an array of target list column definitions (RW) | DataStream |
CrossColumn | QueryCol | Stores the name of the database column whose values are represented as the column headers in ColumnCross reports and are repeated as rows in RowCross reports (RW) | CrossTable |
CurBreakLevel | smallint | Contains the value of the current break level (R) | DataStream |
CurRow | integer | Provides the row number of the current retrieved row of the query (R) | DataStream |
DBSession | DBSessionObject | Represents the database session created when the SQLSelect object was last opened (R) | SQLSelect |
DesignTimeWhere | StringObject | Used to define the where clause for the QueryObject (RW) | QueryObject |
ErrorNo | integer | Provides the error number of the last operation (R) | DataStream |
HavingClause | StringObject | Contains the SQL having clause (RW) | QueryObject |
InstanceIdentifier | integer8 | Contains a value that uniquely identifies an instance of an allocated object (R) | Object |
InstanceReferences | integer | Contains the current number of references to the object (R) | Object |
IsDBError | integer | Is TRUE if the error is a DB error (R) | DataStream |
IsDistinct | smallint | Is TRUE if a query is select distinct (RW) | QueryObject |
MaxRow | integer | Provides the row number of the maximum row of the query (R) | DataStream |
Name | varchar(32) | Stores the optional user-defined name assigned to identify a query (RW) | DataStream |
NextBreakLevel | smallint | Contains the value of the next break level (R) | DataStream |
Query | StringObject | Contains the SQL query text, which can contain parameter substitutions. The parameters are OpenROAD expressions evaluated with reference to a given scope (R) | SQLSelect |
QueryMode | smallint | Specifies the current mode of the query (R) | DataStream |
QueryName | varchar(32) | Specifies the server name to use for cursors and repeat queries (RW) | SQLSelect |
RunTimeWhere | StringObject | Contains where clause elements to which you can add 4GL code without interfering with the DesignTimeWhere or DynQualWhere attributes (RW) | QueryObject |
Scope | Scope | Represents the scope used to compile and evaluate dynamic expressions (RW) | DataStream |
State | smallint | Represents the state of the query (R) | DataStream |
SupressErrorTrace | smallint | If TRUE, does not print non-DB error messages to the trace window from the data stream's methods (RW) | DataStream |
Tables | array of QueryTable | Contains information about the tables participating in the query (RW) | QueryObject |
TargetArray | ArrayObject | Holds the array associated with a frame's table field (RW) | DataStream |
TargetPrefix | varchar(256) | Specifies that a prefix is to be attached to all compiled expressions used in target mappings (RW) | DataStream |