Method | Return Value | Description | Inherited From |
CommitWork() | integer | Issues a commit statement in the database session | Defined |
Connect (database = varchar (256), [flags = varchar(256)]) | integer | Opens a new database connection for the application | Defined |
Disconnect() | integer | Closes a database connection | Defined |
Duplicate() | DBSessionObject | Makes a duplicate of the object, placing a reference to the new object in a reference variable | Object |
GetAttribute (attributename = byref(variable) {,attributename = byref(variable)}) | integer | Gets the values of any number of attributes for the object | Object |
IsA(class = classname) | integer | Returns TRUE if the object is of the same class as, or one of the subclasses of, the class specified by classname | Object |
NewDBComponent (appname = varchar(32), compname = varchar(32), comptype = componentclass, remark = varchar(60)) | compsource | Creates a new OpenROAD component in an OpenROAD database | Defined |
OpenNewConnection() | DBSessionObject | Opens a new connection to the same database as an existing connection | Defined |
RaiseDBEvent (eventname = varchar(256) [, eventtext = varchar(256)] [, share = integer]) | integer | Raises a database event in the current database session | Defined |
RegisterDBEvent (eventname = varchar(256)) | integer | Used to register for a specific activation by name | Defined |
RemoveDBEvent (eventname = varchar(256)) | integer | Used to remove a registration for a database event | Defined |
RollBackWork() | integer | Issues a rollback statement in the database session | Defined |
SequenceValue (table_name = varchar(256), column_name = varchar(256) [,increment = integer, ,start_value = integer]) | integer | Given a database table and an integer table column, returns a positive integer that is the new sequence value for the column | Defined |
SetAttribute (attributename = value {,attributename = value}) | integer | Sets any number of attributes for the object | Object |
SetAutoCommit (state=integer) | integer | Sets the autocommit status of the database session | Defined |
WriteDBComponent (component = compsource) | integer | Writes a component to an OpenROAD database | Defined |