Attribute | Data Type | Description | Inherited From |
ClassName | varchar(32) | Gives the name of an object's actual type (as opposed to its declared type) (R) | Object |
ClientData | Object | Provides a way to associate data with an object (RW) | Object |
KeyState | integer | Contains one of the these values: KB_ALT , KB_CONTROL, KB_SHIFT (R) | Defined |
InstanceIdentifier | integer8 | Contains a value that uniquely identifies an instance of an allocated object (R) | Object |
InstanceReferences | integer | Contains the current number of references to the object (R) | Object |
Source | object | Is the object being dragged (R) | Defined |
Target | ActiveField | Is the field over which the object is dropped (R) | Defined |
X | integer | Is the X coordinate of the mouse cursor relative to the target field when the primary mouse button is released (R) | Defined |
Y | integer | Is the Y coordinate of the mouse cursor relative to the target field when the primary mouse button is released (R) | Defined |