Attribute | Data Type | Description | Inherited From |
Action | integer | Identifies the input action that this input event defines (RW) | Defined |
ClassName | varchar(32) | Gives the name of an object's actual type (as opposed to its declared type) (R) | UserObject |
ClientData | Object | Provides a way to associate data with an object (RW) | UserObject |
FieldID | integer | Specifies the instance identifier of the field to which the input action applies (RW) | Defined |
FieldX | integer | Specifies the x-location of the mouse relative to the target field, in pixels (RW) | Defined |
FieldY | integer | Specifies the y-location of the mouse relative to the target field, in pixels (RW) | Defined |
FrameID | integer | Specifies the instance identifier of the frame to which the input action applies (RW) | Defined |
InstanceIdentifier | integer8 | Contains a value that uniquely identifies an instance of an allocated object (R) | UserObject |
InstanceReferences | integer | Contains the current number of references to the object (R) | UserObject |
ModifierKeys | integer | Identifies the key or combination of keys pressed when the input action took place (RW) | Defined |
MouseButton | integer | Identifies the mouse button whose action triggered this event (RW) | Defined |
ScreenX | integer | Specifies the x-location of the mouse action relative to the top left corner of the screen (RW) | Defined |
ScreenY | integer | Specifies the y-location of the mouse action relative to the top left corner of the screen (RW) | Defined |
Sprite | SpriteDescriptor | Specifies the descriptor defining the sprite (if any) touched by the mouse action (RW) | Defined |
Tick | integer8 | Specifies the system tick count at the time the mouse action took place, in milliseconds (RW) | Defined |
VirtualKey | integer | Identifies the keyboard virtual key (or keys) whose action triggered this event, recorded as a two-character hexadecimal value (RW) | Defined |