Attribute | Data Type | Description | Inherited From |
AsName | varchar(35) | Contains the name specified in the select clause to see a target list column (RW) | Defined |
ClassName | varchar(32) | Gives the name of an object's actual type (as opposed to its declared type) (R) | Object |
ClientData | Object | Provides a way to associate data with an object (RW) | Object |
ClientInteger | integer | An arbitrary integer pointer for use by the client (RW) | Defined |
ColumnName | varchar(50) | Contains the name of a database column in the query object (RW) | Defined |
DataType | varchar(50) | Contains the data type of the database column in the query object (R) | Defined |
DataTypeCode | integer | Specifies an integer code for the data type (R) | Defined |
DataTypeLength | integer | Specifies the length of the data type (R) | Defined |
DataTypeNullable | integer | Is TRUE if the data type is nullable (R) | Defined |
DataTypePrecision | integer | Specifies the precision of the data type (R) | Defined |
Expression | varchar(512) | Contains a dynamic expression that the DBMS server evaluates to load the appropriate value into the target column (RW) | Defined |
FromTable | QueryTable | Contains the name of the underlying table from which this column is selected (RW) | Defined |
GroupBy | smallint | Stores a number that represents the order of the column in the group by clause (RW) | Defined |
InstanceIdentifier | integer8 | Contains a value that uniquely identifies an instance of an allocated object (R) | Object |
InstanceReferences | integer | Contains the current number of references to the object (R) | Object |
IsExpression | smallint | Is TRUE if the column contains a simple value or an expression (RW) | Defined |
OrderBy | smallint | Specifies the order number of the column in the order by clause (RW) | Defined |
Targets | array of QueryParm | Stores information about the field or variable to which this column is mapped (RW) | Defined |
Value | Object | Specifies a data object that contains the current column value (valid only if a row has been fetched) (R) | Defined |