Applies to
The Columns property returns the number of columns defined in an extended fetch record set.
If a SelectedFields property has been specified for extended fetch operations, this value will correspond to the number of fields specified in the SelectedFields property. Otherwise, it will correspond to the total number of fields defined for a record in the data file (see Fields property).
This property is not available at design time, read-only at run time. It will contain valid data only after the extended operations Init method has been invoked at run time. The ExtendedOps property must be set to True to enable the extended operations capabilities of the VAccess control.
'In this example we will fill up a list box
'with records from one extended op buffer
Dim line As String
Dim colcount, rowcount As Integer
Orders.ExtendedOps = True
For rowcount = 1 To Orders.Rows
  Orders.Row = rowcount
  line = ""
  For colcount = 1 To Orders.Columns
    'FieldValue returns a variant
    'that we expect to be a string
    'check to make sure it is
    If Not VarType(Orders.FieldValue(colcount)) = _ vbError Then
      line = line + CStr(Orders.FieldValue(colcount))
    End If
  Next colcount
  ListBox.Add line
Next rowcount
See Also
Affected by: ExtendedOps, SelectedFields