Applies to
Sets or returns a variant array containing information on the indexes of the current table as specified by DdfPath and TableName.
The IndexList property accepts and returns a variant encapsulating a two-dimensional variant array. The first subscript references one property of the index segment, and the second references the index segment ordinal. The properties referenced by the first subscript are:
Index attributes are also associated with a physical data file. Setting this property may be used to define indexes in the dictionary, but does not modify the index attributes of the physical data file. Index attributes of existing data files may be modified using DdfAddIndex, DdfDropIndex, and DdfDropIndexMaintain methods.
If RefreshLocations is set to True, reading IndexList will cause the VAccess to re-read the DDF files and get the field information stored in the DDF. Changing IndexList with RefreshLocations set to True will no longer cause all changes to be immediately written to the DDF Files themselves. You must now call DdfAddIndex, DdfDropIndex or DdfDropIndexMaintain to actually write the changes to the DDF files. This is a change in behavior since the release of Pervasive.SQL 2000 SDK. If RefreshLocations is False, IndexList operations will read and update the VAccess control’s memory image of the indexes.
If DdfTransactionMode and RefreshLocations are both set to True, all manipulations of IndexList will occur within a transaction.
If DdfKeyUseIndexDdfOnly is set to True, then the IndexList property will always reflect only what is in the DDF. If DdfKeyUseIndexDDFOnly is False, IndexList will get the correct index information from the status buffer each time the index information is refreshed and use the DDF for information not kept in the status buffer.
Dim indexes as Variant
'Get the indexes from index.ddf
VAEngine.DdfKeyUseIndexDDFOnly = True
VAEngine.RefreshLocations = True
VAEngine.TableName = tableName
'get indexes from the DDF
indexes = VAEngine.IndexList
VAEngine.RefreshLocations = False
'show index info in list box
If Not IsEmpty(indexes) Then
  For i = 0 to Ubound(indexes,2)
    Temp = ""
    For j = 0 to Ubound(indexes, 1)
      Temp = Temp + CStr(indexes(j, i)) + vbTab
    Next j
    List1.AddItem Temp
  Next i
End If
'get indexes from the data file
VAEngine.RefreshLocations = True
VAEngine.DdfKeyUseIndexDDFOnly = False
VAEngine.TableName = tableName
TrueIndexes = VAEngine.IndexList
VAEngine.RefreshLocations = False
List1.AddItem "------------------------"
'show index info in list box
If Not IsEmpty(indexes) Then
  For i = 0 to Ubound(indexes,2)
    Temp = ""
    For j = 0 to Ubound(indexes, 1)
      Temp = Temp + CStr(indexes(j, i)) + vbTab
    Next j
    List1.AddItem Temp
  Next i
End If
See Also
Affected by: RefreshLocations, DdfPath, TableName, DdfTransactionMode