Applies to
The OwnerName property allows you to specify a PSQL owner name to be used when trying to open the file associated with the VAccess control.
The owner name property may be supplied at design time, or, if the AutoOpen property is False, it may be set before the file is opened at run time.
If an incorrect owner name has been specified or if no owner name has been specified and the file’s owner name security does not allow the file to be opened in read-only mode, a dialog box will prompt the user to specify the correct owner name when the application attempts to open the file.
OwnerName is used by the method SetOwner.
'Close the currently opened file
'Set the location and owner name information
Customers.DdfPath = "v:\accounts"
Customers.TableName = "customer002"
Customers.Location = "cust002.dat"
Customers.OwnerName = "password"
'Open the file
See Also
Affects: Open, SetOwner