Applies to
Setting this property at run time specifies the current row in an extended fetch record set for the FieldValue and RowPosition properties.
The Row property is used in conjunction with the Column property to specify which field value in an extended fetch record set the FieldValue property will reference. The range of the Row property is 1 to the index of the last row if AutoMode is False. If AutoMode is True, setting Row to a value higher than this range will cause the VAccess control to attempt to perform extended fetch operations until the request can be satisfied or a non-zero status is returned. The Rows property will be updated as a result.
This property is not available at design time.
The ExtendedOps property must be set to True to enable the extended operations capabilities of the VAccess control.
Dim total As Currency
Dim count As Integer
'This example only adds up 1 GetNextExtended Op buffer
total = 0
Orders.Column = 1
For count = 1 To Orders.Rows
Orders.Row = count
  total = total + Orders.FieldValue
Next count
Text1.Text = total
See Also
Affects: FieldValue, RowColumnValue, Position, RowPosition, GetPrevious, GetNext, StepPrevious, StepNext
Affected by: ExtendedOps, AutoMode, GetPreviousExtended, GetNextExtended, StepPreviousExtended, StepNextExtended, Init