Applies to
Returns the number of rows of data returned by an extended fetch operation.
This property is not available at design time, and is read-only at run time. It will contain valid data only after a successful extended fetch operation has been performed at run time, or, if the AutoMode property is True, after the extended operations Init method has been invoked at run time.
If the AutoMode property is True, the Rows property will reflect the total number of rows cached since the last time the extended operations Init method was invoked for this control. Otherwise it will reflect the number of rows returned by the last extended fetch operation performed.
The ExtendedOps property must be set to True to enable the extended operations capabilities of the VAccess control.
Dim total As Currency
Dim colcount, rowcount As Integer
total = 0
For rowcount = 1 To Orders.Rows
  Orders.Row = rowcount
  For colcount = 1 To Orders.Columns
    Orders.Column = colcount
    total = total + Orders.FieldValue
  Next colcount
Next rowcount
Text1.Text = total
See Also
Affected by: ExtendedOps, CacheRows, GetPreviousExtended, GetNextExtended, StepPreviousExtended, StepNextExtended