Applies to
The SelectedRecords property allows you to specify filter conditions to limit the range of records which will be returned in an extended fetch record set.
object.SelectedRecords = fieldname operator (fieldname or "constant") [[conjunction fieldname operator (fieldname or "constant")]...]
The SelectedRecords property syntax has these parts:
The name of a field to filter by value, may be any valid field in the file referenced by object. It does not necessarily have to be one of the fields specified in the SelectedFields property.
Leaving this property blank performs no filtering, i.e., returns all records in the order in which they occur the current index path.
Comparisons of string fields are case sensitive unless the fields were flagged as being case-insensitive when the table was defined. Parentheses are not supported; filter terms are resolved logically in the order in which they occur.
When comparing text fields to constant values, the SelectedRecords filter compares the lesser of the number of characters in the constant or the number of characters in the field. For example, consider the following filter:
city = "B"
This filter returns any records in which the first character in the city field is "B". For example, the cities Baltimore, Boise, Boston, and Butte would be included.
The ExtendedOps property must be set to True to enable the extended operations capabilities of the VAccess control.
The Init method must be invoked before SelectedRecords filter will take effect.
See Also
Affected by: SelectedFields, ExtendedOps, Init