Applies to
TableName indicates which table, from the set of all tables defined in the DDF set specified by the DdfPath property, will be associated with the control.
When a valid TableName is set, the control will close the current file and try to open the requested table at the current location if AutoOpen = True. If TableName is invalid, the control will not be able to open the file or retrieve data successfully.
This property cannot be used to change the name of the current table. DdfModifyTableName can be used for this purpose.
*Note: In order to retrieve the dictionary information for a table, RefreshLocations must = True.
Dim Index As Integer
index = Combo1.ListIndex
If index > -1 Then 'selected from list
  VAccess1.RefreshLocations = True
  VAccess1.RefreshLocations = False
  VAccess1.TableName = Combo1.List (index)
  Select Case index
  Case 0
    VAList1.VAFieldName = "msa_desc. population"
  Case 1
    VAList1.VAFieldName = "user_name. customer_code"
  Case 2
    VAList1.VAFieldName = "order_date. order_number"
  End Select
End If
See Also
Affects: FieldList, IndexList, IndexNumber, Join
Affected by: DdfAddTableName, DdfAddTable, DdfModifyTableName