Applies to
Can be used to set the Btrieve owner name for the dictionary files to something other than the default owner name and security level (allow read-only access). Owner name and security level parameters follow Btrieve conventions.
object.DdfSetOwner(NewOwnerName, SecurityLevel)
The syntax for this method has the following parts:
The following Security Level codes may be passed to DdfSetOwner in the SecurityLevel parameter:
Constant declarations are included in the files GLOBAL.BAS (for 16 bit Visual Basic), GLOBAL.BAS (for Visual Basic), GLOBAL.PAS (for Delphi), and GLOBAL.H (for Visual C++). Include one of these files (whichever is appropriate for your development environment) in your project to use the Security Level constants in your application.
Private Function SetDDFOwner(newOwner as String, _
securityLevel as Integer) as Integer
'We must have confirmation to continue
VAEngine.RefreshLocations = True
'write this to 'DDF's
status = VAEngine.DdfSetOwner(newOwner, _
If status = 0 Then
msg = "DDF Password has been successfully" _
& " changed."
MsgBox msg, vbInformation
msg = " Btrieve returned status " + _
CStr(status) + "."
MsgBox msg, vbExclamation
End If
End Function