Applies to
Returns the value of a field in the current record formatted using the specified format string.
object.FormatFieldValue (fieldname, formatstring)
The syntax for this method has the following parts:
If a field is formatted, the value for the contents of that field will always be returned as a String, regardless of data type (the container may automatically translate this to a String, Variant, AnsiString, or other variety of character data). If a field is not formatted, the value will be returned as the Variant that most closely approximates the data type of the field. Most control containers can manipulate, internationalize, and re-format this returned variant much more easily and quickly than a String. For this reason, we recommend that unformatted fields be retrieved whenever possible.
Label1.Caption = VAccess1.FieldValue("msa_desc")
Label2.Caption = _ VAccess1.FormatFieldValue("population", "##,###,###")
See Also
FieldValue, RowColumnValue, Column