Applies to
Returns the list of tables defined in the current dictionary as a two-dimensional variant array.
object. GetTableList
The syntax for this method has the following parts:
Return Value
GetTableList returns a two-byte integer that holds the status of the VAccess control. If this is zero, the operation completed successfully.
The FieldList property accepts and returns a variant encapsulating a two-dimensional variant array. The first subscript references the field ordinal, and the second references one property of the field. The properties referenced by the second subscript are:
If the RefreshLocations property is False, the last table list cached in memory is returned. If RefreshLocations is True, the current table list will be re-read from the dictionary. This method only allows read operations and not updates as opposed to FieldList and IndexList.
VAEngine.RefreshLocation = True
VAEngine.DDFPath = path
tables = VAEngine.GetTableList
See Also
FieldList, IndexList, RefreshLocations