Applies to
VAccess control
(DEPRECATED - former I*net Data Server only.) This event fires whenever an IDS communication error is encountered. It will not fire unless the control is attempting to communicate with an IDS.
Sub VAccess_CommError (ByVal bCanRecover As Boolean, ByVal wsaeErrCode As Integer, ByVal errorString As String, bReTry As Boolean)
The CommError event should be used extensively. Although every possible error does not need special handling, it is important to long-term client satisfaction that the end-user is presented with a screen explaining the error as it pertains to the application, and the steps that should be taken within the application for resolving the error.
CommError has four parameters, one of which may be set by the user. The first parameter, bCanRecover, is Boolean and represents whether or not the error may be recoverable. The second parameter, wsaeErrCode, contains the WinSock error code for the error involved. The third parameter, errorString, contains a description of the error. Finally, the fourth parameter, bReTry, can be set by the application to represent whether or not the client should attempt to re-establish communication with the server. If the first parameter, bCanRecover, is False, setting bReTry will have no effect.