Managing Owner Names
The MicroKernel gives you the option of restricting access to data files by setting a file owner name. Owner names are case-sensitive. Owner names are like passwords, but they are not the same as user or group names set in PCC. For example, the file owner name Master is not the same as the default user Master.
A short owner name can be up to 8 bytes. A long owner name can be up to 24 bytes. Note that once a long owner name is set, all of the following things apply:
With relational access, an ODBC error results if you attempt to manipulate a table that is restricted by an owner name, such as attempting to delete the table in PCC. You can apply owner names with the GRANT statement or the SET OWNER statement. Use the GRANT statement to grant access to a particular user or group, and then manipulate the table via relational access through ODBC. The Master user must supply the GRANT statement with the correct owner name. See GRANT in SQL Engine Reference.
Use SET OWNER to specify one or more owner names to use during the current database connection. See SET OWNER in SQL Engine Reference.
Owner Name Tasks
Owner names can be set and cleared.
Setting or Clearing an Owner Name
Setting an owner name restricts access to a data file. Clearing the owner name removes the restriction.
In the PSQL Maintenance window, select Options > Set - Clear Owner to open the Set - Clear Owner Name dialog.
Figure 25 Set/Clear Owner Name Dialog
In the MicroKernel File box, enter the file for which you want to set or clear an owner name. Then, to clear the owner name, click Clear Owner and set the owner name in the Current Owner field.
To set the owner name, click Set Owner, enter the new owner name in the New Owner field, then select any desired options.
Select Permit read-only access without an owner name to allow all users read-only access to the data file.
Select Encrypt data in file to ensure that unauthorized users do not examine your data using a debugger or file dump utility. Select this option only if data security is important to your environment, since encryption and decryption add to process time.
Select Long Owner Name to create an owner name up to 24 bytes long. (A short owner name can be up to 8 bytes.) Once you set a long owner name, all of the following things apply:
Click Execute to apply the options.
*Note: You can also use a GRANT statement to supply an owner name. See Owner Names in SQL Engine Reference. PCC currently does not offer a way to set an owner name in file security properties.