DtoSession Object
Object DtoSession is the root object for most DTO operations. It represents and manages a connection to a PSQL database engine.
See DtoResult for a listing of these error codes.
DtoCategories Collection
DtoDatabases Collection
DtoDSNs Collection
DtoMonitor Object
DtoServices Object
DtoLicenseMgr Object
DtoEngineInformation Object
Connect method
Disconnect method
GetSetting method
A DtoSession object is the starting point for all operations except dictionaries. You use DtoSession to make connection to servers, obtain configuration information such as categories and settings, explore databases and DSNs, and to monitor PSQL usage information.
To use DtoSession, first instantiate your object and use the Connect method to specify a server for the session object.
The user name and password you use for the session connect is for the machine only. This does not authenticate you to any PSQL database.
*Note: If instantiating this object using ASP or if you use the CreateObject method in Visual Basic, the progid of DtoSession is "DTO.DtoSession.2" (DTO version 2) or “DTO.DtoSession.1” (DTO version 1). See DTO2 for information on the differences between the two versions.
’ instantiate session object
Dim my_session as New DtoSession
’ connect to a server
result = my_session.Connect("myserver", "username", "password")
’ check for good connection using the Error property
if Not (result = Dto_Success)
Then Msgbox"Could not connect to the server. Error was "+ my_session.Error(result)
’ now use your session object to obtain
’ category and database collections
Dim my_categories as DtoCategories
Dim my_databases as DtoDatabases
Set my_categories = my_session.Categories
Set my_databases = my_session.Databases
See Also
DtoCategories Collection
DtoServices Object
DtoMonitor Object
DtoDatabases Collection
DtoDSNs Collection
Methods Detail
Connect method
Open a connection to a server.
Dim result as DtoResult
result = Object.Connect([server], [username], [password])
Return Values
Since connections to servers can fail for a variety of reasons, be sure to check the return value for this method and take appropriate action programmatically.
If username and password are not specified, an attempt will be made to login as a guest. If such an attempt is successful, some functionality will not be available.
Check the isConnected property in order to see whether the session is currently connected.
Dim result as DtoResult
Dim my_session as New DtoSession
result = my_session.Connect("myserver", "smook", "1234")
Dim result as DtoResult
Dim my_session as New DtoSession
result = my_session.Connect
Disconnect method
End a connection to a server.
result = Object.Disconnect
Return Values
This method should be called for every server to which you are connected prior to using the session object to connect to another server, or exiting the application.
Dim result as DtoResult
Dim my_session as New DtoSession
result = my_session.Connect("myserver", "username", "pw")
’ perform operations here
result = my_session.Disconnect
GetSetting method
Obtains a DtoSetting object using a setting id.
Set my_setting = Object.GetSetting(setting_id)
Return Values
This method is useful for obtaining a specific setting without having to first obtain a category and then searching through a DtoSettings collection.
Dim oSession As New DtoSession
Dim Result As dtoResult
Result = oSession.Connect("localhost", "", "")
Dim oSetting As DtoSetting
Dim settingFileversion As Integer
settingFileversion = 97
Set oSetting = oSession.GetSetting(settingFileversion)
If oSetting Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Invalid setting"
Dim new_selections As New DtoSelectionItems
'0 = 9.5 '1 = 9.0 '2 = 8.x '3 = 7.x '4 = 6.x
'These are file format values
new_selections.Add oSetting.AllPossibleSelections.GetByID(0)
oSetting.Value = new_selections
End If