Logged Messages
Messages logged by PSQL can help you troubleshoot problems. Messages can be of type status, information, warning, or error, and can originate from any PSQL component. Certain messages specific to licensing issues originate only from the license administration components. In either case, PSQL writes messages to the following logging features:
Any licensing message logged to Notification Viewer is also logged to the operating system event log and to PSQL event log. Similarly, any licensing message logged to the operating system event log is also logged to PSQL event log. Note that the operating system event log and PSQL event log may contain licensing messages not logged to Notification Viewer.
Messages not specific to licensing are logged to the operating system event log and to PSQL event log.
Follow these guidelines for using messages to troubleshoot problems:
If you suspect a problem not related to licensing, check the operating system event log and PSQL event log.
For logging details, see Reviewing Message Logs in Advanced Operations Guide. For status code details, see Status Codes in Status Codes and Messages.