DOS Box Support on Windows
The Requester for Windows is BTRBOX. You can use this Requester for DOS applications.
Running DOS Applications on Windows 32-bit Platforms
All of the components needed to run DOS applications using BTRBOX are installed with your client. After the Windows client component installation, you have everything you need to run a DOS or Windows 32-bit application. The default DOS application support installed is the Win32 DOS Box configuration.
DOS applications are not supported on 64-bit Windows platforms. Therefore, BTRBOX is not supported on 64-bit Windows platforms.
Using DOS Box Support
On Windows platforms, the DOS Box install configures the drivers to be completely transparent. Thus, you are able to immediately open a command prompt and run a DOS Btrieve application. The CONFIG.NT file, located in the %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32 directory, contains the command that enables DOS application support. This file is similar to CONFIG.SYS in DOS. The Windows operating system loads the driver for each DOS session opened. In the configuration file, the install places the following path to load the DOS Box driver: