SQL Grammar Support
The ODBC v2.5 specification provides three levels of SQL grammar support: Minimum, Core, and Extended. Each higher level provides more fully-implemented data definition and data manipulation language support.
The Relational Interface fully supports the minimum SQL grammar, as well as many core and extended grammar statements. The Relational Interface support for SQL grammar is summarized in the following table. The grammar statements are documented in SQL Engine Reference.
UPDATE (searched)
Delimited Identifiers in SQL Statements
Column names and table names can occur as delimited identifiers if they contain non-standard characters. If an identifier is a keyword, it must delimited.
The delimiter character for identifiers is the double-quote.
SELECT "last-name" FROM "non-standard-tbl"
The hyphen is a non-standard character.
SELECT "password" FROM my_pword_tbl
“Password” is a keyword in the SET PASSWORD statement.