Wide Character Data Support for Import Data, Export Data, and Export Schema
Import Data, Export Data, and Export Schema now allow you to work with files containing wide character data. You can change the file encoding during the import or export action, similar to File Open and File Save. See Encoding Choices.
The dialog field in which you specify a file path and name defaults to the path location used for the previous data import or export or schema export. (Import Data, Export Data, and Export Schema use the same persistence setting). A full file path and name is required to enable the import and export actions.
See also Dialogs for File Open and File Save.
Import Data Dialog
Import Data now allows you to change file encoding and to set a default encoding. In addition, the Preview inset shows a preview of the data based on the file name, file encoding and the options selected. For example, the following image shows the class.sdf table provided with PSQL about to be imported. Encoding is set to “windows-1252” and Preview shows what the file data looks like based on that encoding with a COMMA delimiter and no column names in the first row.
If you import a file with a BOM, the BOM is recognized and stripped off during the import. In addition, the file is imported with the encoding specified by the BOM regardless of what encoding you specify on the dialog. That is, a file BOM overrides the Encoding selection.
Note that you can access the standard operating system dialog for file selection by clicking Browse.
See also Importing Data with Import Data Wizard in PSQL User's Guide.
Export Data Dialog
Export Data now allows you to change file encoding and to set a default encoding. Note that the Example inset does not contain a preview of the literal data. Rather, it shows an example of what the exported data looks like given the file name, encoding, and the selected options (“Write column names in first row” and Delimiter). The Example inset is updated when a file is chosen and encoding or the options are changed.
For example, in the following image, the dialog is set to export the data for the Course table provided with the DEMODATA sample database. The option Write column names in first row is selected and that Delimiter is set to COLON. The Example inset shows the following.
Note that the export action trims trailing spaces from the values of the CHAR and NCHAR data types. You can access the standard operating system dialog for file selection by clicking Browse.
See also Exporting Data with Export Data Wizard in PSQL User's Guide.
Export Schema Dialog
Export Schema now allows you to change file encoding and to set a default encoding. Note that the Example inset does not contain a preview of the literal schema. Rather, it shows an example of what the exported table schema looks like given the selected options. The Example inset is updated when a file is chosen and when encoding or either option is changed.
For example, in the following image, the dialog is set to export the schema for the Faculty table provided with the DEMODATA sample database. Note that the option add ‘IN DICTIONARY’ clause to CREATE statements is selected and that the Example inset contains an IN DICTIONARY clause.
Note that you can access the standard operating system dialog for file selection by clicking Browse.
See also Exporting a Schema in PSQL User's Guide.