Retrieves xml string with information on all PSQL products found by the License Manager.
Header File: dtilicense.h (See also
Header Files)
Function First Available In Library: w3dbav90.dll (Windows), libpsqldti.so (Linux), libpsqldti.dylib (macOS) (See also
Link Libraries)
BTI_API PvGetProductsInfo (
BTI_LONG hConnection,
BTI_CHAR_PTR productInfo,
In | hConnection | Connection handle that identifies the server. Connection handles are obtained with the
PvConnectServer() function. |
Out | productInfo | XML string returned with product information. |
In/Out | pBufSize | Address of an unsigned long containing size of the buffer allocated to receive the string. It receives the actual length of selection string. |
Return Values
DBU_SUCCESS | The operation was successful. |
P_E_FAIL | Failed for other reasons. |
Status code pertaining to license administration or to authorization | |
The following preconditions must be met:
•Connection established by
PvConnectServer() or if you are performing the operation on a local machine, P_LOCAL_DB_CONNECTION may be used as the connection handle.
Product Information Returned by PvGetProductsInfo()
Following is the document type definition (DTD) for the XML string returned by PvGetProductsInfo() and an explanation of its terms:
<!DOCTYPE products [
<!ELEMENT products (product*)>
<!ELEMENT product (name,id,licenses)>
<!ELEMENT licenses (license*)>
<!ELEMENT license (type,productCode*,productKey*,state*,feature*,edition*,maxUserCount*,maxSessionCount*,maxDataInUseGB*,platform*,sequence*,userCount*,sessionCount*,dataInUseGB*,timeStamp*,oemId*,application*,description*,isremovable*,gracePeriodEnd*)>
<!ELEMENT productCode (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT productKey (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT state (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT feature (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT edition (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT maxUserCount (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT maxSessionCount (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT platform (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT sequence (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT userCount (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT sessionCount (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT timeStamp (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT application (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT isremovable (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT gracePeriodEnd (#PCDATA)>
products | A container for all products returned by PvGetProductsInfo(). |
product | A container for information about a single product. |
name | The name of the product. |
id | The PSQL code for the product. Refer to dtilicense header file for the list of product codes returned. |
licenses | A container for all licenses that apply to the product. |
license | A container for information about a single license. |
type | The license type: 1: Permanent 2: Expiring license set at issue date 4: Expiring license applied at install time 7: User count increase |
productCode | The PSQL code for the product. Refer to dtilicense header file for the list of product codes returned. |
productKey | The key used for product authorization; can be empty if product authorization was not used. |
state | The current state of the license: 0: Active 1: Expired 2: Disabled 3: Inactive 4: Failed validation |
feature | Reserved. |
edition | Reserved. |
maxUserCount | Maximum concurrent users allowed. Zero indicates unlimited users on PSQL Server and Workgroup editions. Not applicable on PSQL Vx Server edition and always returns “0”. |
maxSessionCount | Maximum concurrent sessions allowed. Zero indicates unlimited sessions on PSQL Vx Server edition. Not applicable on PSQL Server and Workgroup editions and always returns “0”. |
maxDatainUseGB | Maximum amount of data allowed to be used simultaneously, measured in gigabytes. Zero indicates unlimited amount of data on PSQL Vx Server edition. Not applicable on PSQL Server and Workgroup editions and always returns “0”. |
platform | The supported platforms: 0: ANY 1: WIN 2: WIN32 3: WIN64 4: LINUX 5: LINUX32 6: LINUX64 7: MAC 8: MAC32 9: MAC64 |
sequence | The license sequence number. |
userCount | The number of users permitted by the license. -1 indicates unlimited number of users on PSQL Server and Workgroup editions. Not applicable on PSQL Vx Server edition and always returns “0”. |
sessionCount | The number of sessions permitted by the license. -1 indicates unlimited number of users on PSQL Vx Server editions. Not applicable on PSQL Server and Workgroup editions and always returns “0”. |
dataInUseGB | The amount of data in use permitted by the license, measured in gigabytes. -1 indicates unlimited data count size on PSQL Vx Server editions. Not applicable on PSQL Server and Workgroup editions and always returns “0”. |
timeStamp | For temporary keys, the expiration day represented as the number of days from January 1, 2000. |
oemId | The vendor ID. |
application | The vendor’s application ID. |
description | Reserved. |
isremovable | The license key is removable: 0: Not removable 1: Removable |
gracePeriodEnd | Number of days remaining before the engine is disabled for failing license validation. Empty if a failed-validation period is not applicable to this product. -1 if a failed-validation period is applicable but not in effect for this product. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding='UCS-4' ?>
<!DOCTYPE products [
<!ELEMENT products (product*)>
<!ELEMENT product (name,id,licenses)>
<!ELEMENT licenses (license*)>
<!ELEMENT license (type,productCode*,productKey*,state*,feature*,edition*,maxUserCount*,maxSessionCount*,maxDataInUseGB*,platform*,sequence*,userCount*,sessionCount*,dataInUseGB*,timeStamp*,oemId*,application*,description*,isremovable*,gracePeriodEnd*)>
<!ELEMENT productCode (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT productKey (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT state (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT feature (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT edition (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT maxUserCount (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT maxSessionCount (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT platform (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT sequence (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT userCount (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT sessionCount (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT timeStamp (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT application (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT isremovable (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT gracePeriodEnd (#PCDATA)>
<name>DataExchange 5 Server: Real-Time Backup</name>
<productKey> ABCDE-55555-FGHIJ-55555-KLMNO-55555</productKey>
<name>PSQL 12 Server</name>
See Also