7. Understanding ODBC Connectivity : ODBC Programming : ODBC User Authentication : DBMS Passwords
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DBMS Passwords
If the target installation is not configured for DBMS authentication, DBMS passwords are extra passwords defined for Ingres users and maintained in the Ingres database. When an Ingres user account is associated with a DBMS password, the correct DBMS password must be supplied as a connection parameter, otherwise the connection attempt will be rejected.
DBMS passwords in the DSN definition in odbc.ini are not supported. The ODBC Driver supports DBMS passwords only through SQLDriverConnect(), as shown in the following example:
** The "dbms_pwd" connection attribute specifies the DBMS password.
strcpy( connectString, "driver={Ingres};servertype=Ingres;" \
        "server=(local);database=myDB;uid=myUserName; \
        "pwd=myPassword;dbms_pwd=myDBMS_password );
SQLDriverConnect( hdbc,        /* Connection handle */
        0,                     /* Window handle */
        connectString,         /* Connection string */
        SQL_NTS,               /* Nll-terminated string */
        (SQLCHAR *)NULL,       /* Output connection string */
        SQL_NTS,               /* N=ull-terminated string */
        0,                     /* Length of output connect string */
        SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT ); /* No prompt window */
If the target installation is configured for DBMS authentication, user names and passwords are defined in the DBMS Server. In such cases, DBMS passwords are ignored, because they are not "extra" authentication. Rather, DBMS passwords are effectively the same as OS passwords in environments that do not support DBMS authentication.
The code in the previous example would still work, provided that "myPassword" was defined in the DBMS. For DBMS authentication, only the definition in the DBMS Server matters, not whether the DBMS name and password are also defined by the operating system.