7. Understanding ODBC Connectivity : ODBC Programming : Database Procedure Execution : Database Procedures with BYREF Parameters
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Database Procedures with BYREF Parameters
BYREF parameters can be used for both input and output. The following example is almost the same as the Input Parameters example, but with one exception:
SQLBindParameter( hstmt,    /* Statement handle */
    1,                      /* Parameter number */
    SQL_PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT, /* It is a BYREF parameter */
    SQL_C_LONG,             /* Source data is an integer */
    SQL_INTEGER,            /* Target column is an integer */
    0,                      /* Length not required */
    0,                      /* Precision not required */
    &byRefval,              /* The data itself */
    0,                      /* Max length not required */
    &orind1);               /* Indicator can be zero */
SQLExecDirect( hstmt, "{ call myDbProc ( ? ) }", SQL_NTS );
Since this procedure handles BYREF parameters, the call to SQLExecDirect() can begin with a value of 500 for the "byRef" variable, but return with any valid integer value, such as -1.