8. Understanding JDBC Connectivity : JDBC Implementation Considerations : BLOB Column Handling : LOB Locators
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LOB Locators
A LOB Locator is a reference to a LOB value stored in a database. Locators reduce the overhead of retrieving the entire LOB data value during row processing. Applications can use a Locator reference to retrieve the LOB data when and if it is determined that the data is needed. A Locator reference can also be used to perform certain operations on the LOB data while it resides in the database. The driver declares LOB Locator values to be of type BLOB or CLOB and wraps Locator values in objects which implement the JDBC Blob and Clob interfaces.
By default, the driver utilizes LOB Locators when supported by the DBMS. The driver can be configured to use LOB data streams instead of Locators by setting the following system property:
When select loops are enabled, the DBMS streams all result rows back to the driver. Row returning database procedures also stream result rows. While a result stream is active, no other DBMS request is permitted. The driver does not utilize LOB Locators by default when result row streams are active since they cannot be used to access LOB data until after the result set is closed. The driver can be configured to use LOB Locators with result row streams by setting the following system property (LOB Locators must be enabled in general for this property to take effect):
Locators are valid during the transaction in which they are produced. Autocommit imposes a number of restrictions, depending on the autocommit mode, on the use of LOB Locators.
Locators remain valid during autocommit. Since the DBMS only supports a single active cursor during autocommit, Locators cannot be used to access a LOB value while a result set is active.
Single-Cursor Mode
Using a Locator to access a LOB value will cause any active result set to be closed.
Multi-Cursor Mode
Locators can be used to access a LOB value while the associated result set is active. Since autocommit is being simulated with standard transactions, all associated LOB Locators become invalid and unusable when their associated result set is closed.
Due to these restrictions, the driver does not utilize LOB Locators by default when autocommit is enabled. The driver can be configured to utilize LOB Locators during autocommit by setting the following system property (LOB Locators must be enabled in general for this property to take effect):
LOB values can be accessed through a Locator using the JDBC Blob/Clob objects returned by the ResultSet methods getBlob() and getClob(). The Ingres DBMS supports using LOB Locators to determine the length of the LOB data, search the LOB data, and read portions of the LOB data or the entire LOB value.
LOB values can also be accessed by using the other getXXX() methods supported for LOB data streams. The LOB value is retrieved from the database and converted to the form appropriate for the particular access method.
The Ingres DBMS does not support modifying LOB values using Locators. The JDBC Driver supports the Blob/Clob modification methods by reading and caching the LOB data and performing the modification on the cached value.