Install Vector at the Command Line
You can install Vector using the installation shell script for package manager or non-package manager (ingbuild) distributions.
To install Vector at the command line
1. Copy the distribution TGZ file to a location where other users and not just root can read it, for example, /tmp.
Running the installer from a location such as /root will not work because other users do not have read access to this directory.
2. Unpack the distribution TGZ file. For example:
tar xf actian-vector-5.0.0-000-com-linux-ingbuild-x86_64.tgz
Note: You may need to use the z option, depending on the version of tar.
3. Change to the directory created in the previous step. For example:
cd ./actian-vector-5.0.0-000-com-linux-ingbuild-x86_64
4. Enter the following command as the root user to run the installation utility:
Note: For RPM or DEBs distribution, use either the ‑express or ‑interactive flag to prevent launching the graphical wizard. For example: ./ -interactive
If you are logged in as a user other than root, use sudo to run the utility:
sudo ./
The installation utility starts.
5. Respond to the installation prompts.
All components are installed as user "actian" in the location: /opt/Actian/VectorVW/.
When the installation is complete, the instance is running.