4. SQL Statements : SELECT : SELECT Statement Clauses : WITH Clause for SELECT
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WITH Clause for SELECT
The WITH clause on the SELECT statement consists of a comma-separated list of one or more of the following options:
Specifies whether to display a diagrammatic representation of the query execution plan chosen for the query by the optimizer.
Enables or disables the exhaustive enumeration heuristic of the query optimizer for complex queries.
When the query references a large number of tables, the greedy enumeration heuristic enables the optimizer to produce a query plan much faster than with its default technique of exhaustive searching for query execution plans.
Sets the parallelism level for the query, where n is an integer from 1 to 256.
The value of n should not exceed the number of CPU cores visible to the operating system. Your query may run at a lower level of parallelism than requested if other parallel queries are running concurrently.
Turns union flattening on or off. Overrides the SET [NO]UNION_FLATTENING statement for the duration of the statement.