A. Command Reference : iimonitor Command--Administer DBMS, Recovery, and GCF Servers : iimonitor Commands Specific to GCF Servers : Set Trace Command
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Set Trace Command
The iimonitor set trace command dynamically enables or disables tracing on a GCF server. Dynamic tracing allows tracing to be limited to specific times, which can be useful to trap specific conditions or to reduce the volume of trace output. Dynamic tracing allows tracing to be turned on and off without having to recycle GCF servers.
Note:  This command overrides trace settings in config.dat and environment variables.
The set trace command has the following format:
set trace attribute value
attribute value
Specifies the trace attribute and its value. Valid values depend on the trace attribute being set. Valid attributes are:
level, GCA, GCS, or API (iigcd only)
Specifies type of tracing to perform. “level” turns on the default tracing associated with that GCF server:
GCC—Communications Server - COMSVR (iigcc)
GCD—Data Access Server - DASVR (iigcd)
GCN—Name Server - NMSVR (iigcn)
GCA, GCS or API (for iigcd only) can be specified in addition to or instead of "level" to provide tracing for those areas in the server.
Note:  The 3-character trace mnemonic is equivalent to setting Ingres variable II_XXX_TRACE or config.dat XXX_trace_level for the server connected to, where XXX is GCA, GCS, API, GCC, GCD, or GCN. For more details on tracing GCF servers for diagnostic purposes, see the Connectivity Guide and System Administrator Guide.
The associated attribute value is the level of tracing from 0-5, with a higher value providing more detailed tracing.
Specifies a trace output log file. The associated attribute value is the full disk path and file name of the log file or NONE to disable all tracing.
Note:  All tracing from a server is directed to a single output file. As a result, any trace settings configured using a non-dynamic method (that is, configured through config.dat instead of iimonitor) will also be enabled when log is set to a trace file.
Examples: Set Trace Command
When connected to the Communications Server, the following iimonitor commands turn on GCC and GCA tracing in that server to levels 3 and 5 respectively and write the output to trace file /tmp/gcc_log:
set trace level 3
set trace GCA 5
set trace log /tmp/gcc.log
The following iimonitor command closes the log file:
set trace log NONE