Visual Tools (Windows)
On Windows, Vector provides a suite of tools with a graphical user interface that lets you start, stop, manage, and monitor the installation.
Note: The Visual Tools are available in Windows environments only. They are not Unicode enabled so they do not support display of Unicode characters.
The visual tools include:
• Visual Manager (IVM)
• Visual Performance Monitor
• Visual DBA
• Remote Command Server
• Configuration Manager
• Network Utility
• Export Assistant
• Import Assistant
• Journal Analyzer
• Visual SQL
• Visual Configuration Differences Analyzer
• Visual Database Objects Differences Analyzer
Grant Access to Remote Users
To allow a user other than the installation owner to execute remote commands, you can use the following methods:
• In Actian Director, use the Create User or Modify User dialog, select Options, Remote Command Privileges
• In VDBA, use the Create or Alter User dialog. Enable the Remote Command (rmcmd) Privileges checkbox.
• You can execute the following SQL statements, while connected to the imadb database as the installation owner:
grant select,insert,update,delete on $ingres.remotecmdinview to user
grant select,insert,update,delete on $ingres.remotecmdoutview to user
grant select,insert,update,delete on $ingres.remotecmdview to user
grant execute on procedure $ingres.launchremotecmd to user
grant execute on procedure $ingres.sendrmcmdinput to user
grant register, raise on dbevent $ingres.rmcmdcmdend to user
grant register, raise on dbevent $ingres.rmcmdnewcmd to user
grant register, raise on dbevent $ingres.rmcmdnewinputline to user
grant register, raise on dbevent $ingres.rmcmdnewoutputline to user
grant register, raise on dbevent $ingres.rmcmdstp to user
Note: Grants must not be made directly to the underlying tables.