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How to Upgrade Using install.sh
Go to the folder where the distribution resides, and then use one of the following ways to upgrade:
As root user
As non-root user using the –noroot flag
As non-root user using the –usesudo flag
All operations performed during the upgrade are recorded in $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/install.log.
To upgrade using install.sh
As root
Issue the following command:
Accept the license.
Choose as II_SYSTEM the path where the instance is installed. For example: /opt/Actian/VectorVW.
A message indicates that an upgrade scenario was detected:
An instance of:
    Actian Vector
already exists under:
This instance will be upgraded.
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [y]
Choose "y" to continue.
Settings will be kept from your old installation.
After a while you see a message that databases are being upgraded:
Upgrading Vector master and system databases...
Continue to choose the defaults.
The installation starts, and the upgrade completes.
Note:  You may need to upgrade user databases, as described in Upgrade User Databases.
As non-root user, using -noroot flag
When installing as non-root using -noroot, you do not inherit any root rights, which means all the folders must be owned by you.
As the instance owner (for example "actian"), issue this command:
./install.sh -noroot
Respond to the installation utility prompts, as described previously.
As non-root user, using the -usesudo flag
When installing as non-root using –usesudo, you will inherit root rights.
As the instance owner (for example "actian"), issue the following command:
./install.sh -usesudo
Respond to the installation utility prompts, as described previously.
Last modified date: 11/09/2022