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Maintain_Audit Privilege
The maintain_audit privilege allows a user to manage auditing features, including determining the security audit activity level for profiles, users, and roles, and the ability to turn security auditing on and off.
The maintain_audit privilege is typically assigned to the system administrator, the database administrator, or a separate security administrator.
A user with this privilege can:
Enable or disable security auditing (using the ENABLE and DISABLE SECURITY_AUDIT statements or the equivalent operations in Actian Director or VDBA).
Change the current audit state (using the ALTER SECURITY_AUDIT statement or the equivalent operation in Actian Director or VDBA).
Determine the security audit activity level when working with profiles, users, and roles (by specifying the SECURITY_AUDIT clause on ALTER/CREATE PROFILE, ALTER/CREATE USER, and ALTER/CREATE ROLE statements, or using Actian Director or VDBA).
Related Information
Last modified date: 11/09/2022