User Guide > User Guide > A. Command Reference > infodb Command--Display Database Information > Infodb Command Output--Database Information Section
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Infodb Command Output--Database Information Section
The following is sample output from the database information section. This guide includes the callouts (1) and (2) to aid in explanation:
(1)==================Fri Jun 24 14:40:28 2016 Database Information=================
    Database : (mydb,kbref)  ID : 0x53DA8E21  Default collation :
    Unicode enabled : Yes
    Always logged : No
    Default unicode collation : udefault         Unicode normalization : NFC
    Extents  : 5    Last Table Id : 264
    Config File Version Id : 0x00070001   Database Version Id : 10
    Status   : VALID

(2)            The Database has been Checkpointed.
               The Database is Journaled.

               MVCC is enabled in this database.

               Journals are valid from checkpoint sequence : 2
Fields are as follows:
At (1)
Identifies the date and time the infodb operation was run.
Identifies the name (mydb) and owner (kbref) of the database.
Shows the internal identifier of the database.
Default collation
The default collation name.
Unicode enabled
Whether the database can contain Unicode data types.
Always logged
Whether all operations on this database must be logged.
Default unicode collation
The default collation for Unicode columns.
Unicode normalization
The normalization form of the database.
Indicates the number of locations the database is using.
Last Table ID
Indicates the integer identifier assigned to the last created table.
Config File Version ID
Shows the major (upper 2 bytes) and minor (lower 2 bytes) versions of the configuration file.
Database Version ID
The version of DMF that created the database. Note that this is not related to the Vector version of the database.
Displays status information for the database. Status abbreviations are as follows:
CFG_BACKUP—automatic backup of the configuration file is enabled.
CKP—indicates that you must perform a rollforward +c (back to saveset) before you can do a rollforward -c +j..
DUMP—the database has undergone dump processing (that is, a dump file was created in the dump location) via an online checkpoint
JOURNAL—the database is journaled.
JOURNAL_DISABLED—journaling has been disabled.
NOLOGGING—the database has been opened by a SET NOLOGGING session. Note that if this session encounters an error, the database will be marked inconsistent.
ROLL_FORWARD—indicates that rollforward is available on the database and has not been run to completion since the last checkpoint was taken.
SMINC—indicates the system catalogs are in an inconsistent state.
VALID—the database is consistent and available for use. If this does not appear, the database is marked inconsistent.
At (2)
This section displays comments on the status of the database. Important state information is shown.
The Database is Inconsistent. Cause of Inconsistency: <...>
Shown if the database is inconsistent. The cause of inconsistency can be one of the following:
NOLOGGING_ERROR—a transaction failed while the database was in the nologging state.
NOLOGGING_OPENDB—the database was opened for the first time, but was in the nologging state. This means a session exited abnormally.
OPEN_COUNT—the database was opened for the first time, but the database open count in the configuration file was not zero. This means the configuration file could not be read during a recovery attempt.
REC_OPEN_FAILURE—the RCP could not recover a database because the database could not be opened.
RECOVER_ERROR—the RCP failed to recover a database due to an unexpected logging system or recovery protocol problem.
REDO_ERROR—the RCP failed to recover a database due to an error in REDO processing.
RFP_FAIL—the rollforward of the database level checkpoint failed.
UNDO_ERROR—the RCP failed to recover a database due to an error in UNDO processing.
WILL_COMMIT_ERR—the RCP was unable to restore a transaction to the willing commit state.
The Database has been Checkpointed.
Shown if the database has been checkpointed.
The Database is Journaled. or The Database is not Journaled.
Shows the journaling status.
Journaling has been disabled on this database by alterdb. Run 'ckpdb +j' to re-enable journaling.
Shown if journaling has been disabled.
Database is being accessed with Set Nologging, allowing transactions to run while bypassing the logging system.
Shown if a set nologging session is active on the database.
MVCC is {enabled | disabled} in this database.
Shows whether multiversion concurrency control is enabled.
Journals are valid from checkpoint sequence: checkpoint sequence number
Shows the earliest checkpoint from which rollforward is allowed.
Journals are not valid from any checkpoint.
Shown if rollforward is not valid from any checkpoint, or there are no checkpoints.
Last modified date: 11/09/2022