User Guide > User Guide > A. Command Reference > infodb Command--Display Database Information > Infodb Command Output--Vectorwise Directory Section
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Infodb Command Output--Vectorwise Directory Section
The following is sample output from the Vectorwise directory section, which shows all locations used by the database for Vector tables:
----Vectorwise directory--------------------------------------------------------

    Location        Flags             Physical_path
    ii_database     ROOT,DATA,VWROOT  C:\Program Files\Actian\VectorVW\ingres\data\vectorwise\mydb
    ii_journal      JOURNAL           C:\Program Files\Actian\VectorVW\ingres\jnl\vectorwise\mydb
    ii_checkpoint   CHECKPOINT        C:\Program Files\Actian\VectorVW\ingres\ckp\vectorwise\mydb
    ii_work         WORK              C:\Program Files\Actian\VectorVW\ingres\work\vectorwise\mydb
For field descriptions, see the previous section. The flag VWROOT is the location in which Vector data is stored.
Last modified date: 11/09/2022