User Guide > User Guide > Creating Databases > Show Information on Databases with infodb
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Show Information on Databases with infodb
The infodb utility shows administrative details about databases, such as the directory names of data, checkpoint, journal, dump, and work locations. These details are stored in the configuration file.
To use infodb
To get a list of databases, issue the following command at the operating system prompt:
infodb -databases
infodb -get_dbname
Issue the following command to see all information from all databases, including the system databases iidbdb and imadb:
Infodb prints a report for each database in the installation. To restrict the information to a specific database, specify:
infodb dbname
The following is sample output (on Windows) for the test2 database:
==================Sun Jun 26 10:46:56 2016 Database Information=================
    Database : (test2,actian)  ID : 0x577001DD  Default collation : 
    Unicode enabled : Yes
    Always logged : No
    Default unicode collation : udefault         Unicode normalization : NFC
    Extents  : 5    Last Table Id : 272
    Config File Version Id : 0x00070001   Database Version Id : 10
    Status   : VALID
               The Database is not Journaled.
               MVCC is enabled in this database.
               Journals are not valid from any checkpoint.
----Journal information---------------------------------------------------------
    Checkpoint sequence :          0    Journal sequence :                 0
    Current journal block :        0    Journal block size :           16384
    Initial journal size :         4    Target journal size :            512
    Last Log Address Journaled : <0:0:0>
----Dump information------------------------------------------------------------
    Checkpoint sequence :          0    Dump sequence :                    0
    Current dump block :           0    Dump block size :              16384
    Initial dump size :            4    Target dump size :               512
    Last Log Address Dumped : <0:0:0>
----Checkpoint History for Journal----------------------------------------------
    Date                      Ckp_sequence  First_jnl   Last_jnl  valid  mode
----Checkpoint History for Dump-------------------------------------------------
    Date                      Ckp_sequence  First_dmp   Last_dmp  valid  mode
----Cluster Journal History-----------------------------------------------------
    Node ID   Current Journal   Current Block   Last Log Address
----Cluster Dump History-----------------------------------------------------
    Node ID   Current Dump      Current Block   Last Log Address
----Extent directory------------------------------------------------------------
    Location      Flags             Physical_path
    ii_database   ROOT,DATA,VWROOT  /data//Vector/VectorVA/ingres/data/default/test2
    ii_journal    JOURNAL           /data//Vector/VectorVA/ingres/jnl/default/test2
    ii_checkpoint CHECKPOINT        /data//Vector/VectorVA/ingres/ckp/default/test2
    ii_dump       DUMP              /data//Vector/VectorVA/ingres/dmp/default/test2
    ii_work       WORK              /data//Vector/VectorVA/ingres/work/default/test2
----Vectorwise directory--------------------------------------------------------
    Location      Flags             Physical_path
    ii_database   ROOT,DATA,VWROOT  /data//Vector/VectorVA/ingres/data/vectorwise/test2
    ii_journal    JOURNAL           /data//Vector/VectorVA/ingres/jnl/vectorwise/test2
    ii_checkpoint CHECKPOINT        /data//Vector/VectorVA/ingres/ckp/vectorwise/test2
    ii_work       WORK              /data//Vector/VectorVA/ingres/work/vectorwise/test2
For more information, see infodb in the Command Reference.
Infodb can be used to access certain elements of the report:
infodb test2 -get_help
valid infodb -get_item flags:
-get_help                      -get_dbname
-get_dbowner                   -get_dbid
-get_dbid_hex                  -get_collation
. . . 
-get_location_dump             -get_location_work
For example:
infodb test2 -get_dbowner -get_dbid
Last modified date: 11/09/2022