User Guide > User Guide > A. Command Reference > ingstart Command--Start a Vector Instance
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ingstart Command--Start a Vector Instance
Permission required: Installation owner, privileged user.
The ingstart command starts a Vector installation. It also checks that you have sufficient operating system resources to run Vector and have initialized the log file. It starts all the elements of your installation in the correct sequence.
Note:  If a server or process is specified, only that component is started.
Windows: We strongly recommend you start Vector as a service. This ensures the processes will continue to execute after you log out. Use the following command with no further arguments:
ingstart -service
The ingstart command has the following format:
ingstart [‑client|‑service|-iigcn|-dmfrcp|-dmfacp|-rmcmd|
[-iidbms|-iigcc|‑iigcb|-iigcd|-mgmtsvr [=config_name]]] [-help]
Starts a client service by starting only a Name Server and Communications Server. Valid on Windows only.
Starts Vector as a service. Valid on Windows only.
Starts the Name Server.
Starts the recovery process.
Starts the archiver process.
Starts the Remote Command Server required by Visual DBA.
Starts the DBMS Server. You can optionally specific a config_name as the name of the server.
Starts the Communications Server. You can optionally specify a config_name as the name of the server.
Starts the Bridge Server. You can optionally specify a config_name as the name of the server.
Starts the Data Access Server. You can optionally specify a config_name as the name of the server.
Starts the Management Server used by Actian Director.
Windows: Starts the Remote Manager service, which controls the startup of the Management Server.
Specifies the name of the server being started. To see a list of server names, click the Configure tab in Configuration Manager.
-node nodename
Starts Vector on the specific node. Valid in a cluster installation only.
Displays command syntax online.
Last modified date: 11/09/2022