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Upgrading Vector
Note:  Before upgrading, always take a full backup of your installation so that you can revert back to the original state in case you encounter a problem during the upgrade.
To upgrade your Vector instance to a newer version, use one of these methods:
If using install.sh: Re-install over the existing installation. The setup scripts prompt you for upgrade options. Follow the procedure in How to Upgrade Using install.sh.
If using RPM: Follow the procedure in How to Upgrade Using RPM.
Run the Vector Setup Wizard and select Upgrade existing instance.
Note:  After an upgrade, user created grants on objects in the imadb database will need to be redefined.
Stop the Instance and Management Server
Before upgrading, always stop your instance and the management server. Issue the following commands:
ingstop -mgmtsvr
Last modified date: 12/06/2024