Valid in: SQL, ESQL, OpenAPI, ODBC, JDBC, .NET
The INSERT INTO EXTERNAL CSV statement writes a table to a local file system. The result is either a single CSV file or a collection of CSV files, depending on whether the query is run in parallel. The number of files produced cannot be specified, but can be indirectly influenced by setting [engine] max_parallelism_level.
This statement has the following format:
Specifies the name of the output file, as a filename or path to filename. If multiple files are created, they use the filename with suffixes in the form '.nnn' where nnn is the file number.
If the specified filename has an extension of type “.gz” or “.GZ”, the file is created as a compressed file. The compression file format is “gzip”.
The default output path is the value of II_TEMPORARY (if the path is not specified).
The server must have permission to write to the specified path.
For security reasons, the server is not allowed to overwrite existing files. The query will end with an error if any of the output files already exist.
Specifies a SELECT statement that selects the table data to be written.
WITH options
Specifies optional WITH clause options separated by a comma. Valid options are:
Specifies the access key ID to access your S3 bucket on Amazon Web Services.
Specifies the secret key used to access the S3 bucket on Amazon Web Services.
Specifies the Directory (tenant) ID used to access your Azure Storage account.
AZURE_CLIENT_ID = 'client_id'
Specifies the Application (client) ID used to access your Azure Storage account.
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET = 'client_secret'
Specifies the Client Secret (password) used to access your Azure Storage account.
Specifies the URL of the entry point to access AWS buckets.
Points to the AWS geographic area where the AWS resources are hosted.
"us-east-1", "us-east-2"
Specifies the text to use for the NULL valued attributes. When a parameter contains commas or spaces, double quotation marks must be used. Default: 'null'
Specifies the character to use to separate fields. The delimiter must be a single character. Default: , (comma)
Specifies the format to export floating point numbers. The format has four different parameters:
x = format specifier:
– f (decimal representation), e.g 503.42003
– e (scientific notation), e.g. 5.0342003e+03
– g (default): individually chooses the best representation between f and e (i.e. scientific format if there are significant digits after prec zeros in the fraction, otherwise decimal).
Uppercase format letters are also possible, they generate an uppercase exponent letter (e.g. 5.0342003E+03)
width = total string width
"." = decimal point: any other specifier is possible (eg "," for 503,42003)
prec = number of decimal places
Default: ‘g79.38’
Note: Very large, and very small (absolute value) numbers may cause rounding errors. This may occur if the exponent is larger than 78 or if the number of decimal places is larger than 14. It is recommended to use smaller formats, e.g. ‘g11.3’ to avoid such rounding errors.
Specifies the email used for the service account used for Google Cloud Storage access.
Specifies the ID of the private key for the service account used for Google Cloud Storage access. For information about keeping your credentials safe, see the Security Guide.
GCS_PRIVATE_KEY='-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n<long_key>\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n'
Specifies the private key for the service account used for Google Cloud Storage access in PKCS#8 format. The key must include the starting and ending characters: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n and -----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n. For example:
MIIEvAIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BgSiAgEAAoIBAQDHd1HNub/lfF41 ... jm+177ZXFg+QIyXFCqbMDTAnjYY3
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n
Specifies the character to use to separate records. The delimiter must be a single character. To specify a control character, use an escape sequence. Default: \n
Specifies the directory in which the files are created if the filename is relative. Default: Value of II_TEMPORARY.