iiaccess | iialt_columns | iiaudittables |
iicolumns | iiconstraint_indexes | iiconstraints |
iidb_comments | iidb_subcomments | iidbcapabilities |
iidbconstants | iidistcols | iidistschemes |
iievents | iifile_info | iihistograms |
iiindex_columns | iiindexes | iiingres_tables |
iiintegrities | iikeys | iikey_columns |
iilog_help | iilpartitions | iimulti_locations |
iipermits | iiphysical_tables | iiprocedures |
iiproc_access | iiproc_params | iirange |
iiref_constraints | iiproc_rescols | iirules |
iisecurity_alarms | iiregistrations | iisequences |
iistats | iisession_privileges | iitables |
iiviews | iisynonyms |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | Name of the table, view, or index |
table_owner | char(32) | Owner of the table, view, or index |
table_type | char(1) | T-Base table V-View I-Index |
system_use | char(1) | S-System catalog object U-User object G-Generated |
permit_user | char(32) | Name of grantee or empty string |
permit_type | char(49) | Privilege granted |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table |
table_owner | char(32) | The name of the table owner |
key_id | integer | The number of the alternate key for this table |
column_name | char(256) | The name of the column |
key_sequence | smallint | Sequence of column in the key, numbered from 1 |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the virtual security audit table |
table_owner | char(32) | The name of the table owner as determined by the register table statement |
audit_log | char(256) | The full file name specification of the underlying security audit log |
register_date | char(25) | The date and time the audit table was registered |
Column Name | Data Type | Description | |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table. | |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table. | |
column_name | char(256) | The name of the column | |
column_datatype | char(32) | The data type of the column | |
column_length | integer | The length of the column. Displays the precision for decimal data, zero for money and date | |
column_scale | integer | Displays the scale for decimal data type, zero for all other data types | |
column_collid | smallint | The column's collation ID. Valid values are: -1 The default 1 for unicode 2 for unicode_case_insensitive 3 for sql_character | |
column_nulls | char(1) | Y if the column can contain null values, N if the column cannot contain null values | |
column_defaults | char(1) | Y if the column has a default value when a row is inserted, N if not | |
column_sequence | integer | The position of the column based on the DDL for the object, starting at 1. For example, the first column in a CREATE statement displays 1 in this column. | |
key_sequence | integer | The order, numbered from 1, of this column in the primary key for a table. 0 if this column is not part of the primary key | |
sort_direction | char(1) | A for ascending; used when key_sequence is greater than 0 | |
column_ingdatatype | integer | Contains the internal numeric representation of the column's external data type. If the value is positive, the column is not nullable. If the value is negative, the column is nullable. If the installation has user-defined data types (UDTs), this column contains the data type that the UDT is converted to when returned. The data types and their corresponding values are: | |
INTEGER | 30/-30 | ||
FLOAT | 31/-31 | ||
C | 32/-32 | ||
TEXT | 37/-37 | ||
INGRESDATE* | 3/-3 | ||
DECIMAL | 10/-10 | ||
MONEY | 5/-5 | ||
CHAR | 20/-20 | ||
VARCHAR | 21/-21 | ||
LONG VARCHAR | 22/-22 | ||
BYTE | 23/-23 | ||
LONG BYTE | 25/-25 | ||
TABLE_KEY | 12/-12 | ||
OBJECT_KEY | 11/-11 | ||
ANSIDATE | 4/-4 | ||
TIME | 8/-8 | ||
TIMESTAMP | 19/-19 | ||
BOOLEAN | 38/-38 | ||
*Returned to applications as a string. | |||
column_internal_ datatype | char(32) | The internal data type of the datatype column. If the installation has user-defined data types, this column contains the user-specified name. | |
column_internal_ length | integer | The internal length of the column. 0 if the data type is date or money Does not include the null indicator byte for nullable columns or the 2-byte length specifier for varchar and text columns | |
column_internal_ ingtype | smallint | The numeric representation of the internal data type. See column_ingdatatype for a list of valid values. If the installation has user-defined data types, this column contains the user-specified data type number. | |
column_system_ maintained | char(1) | Y if system-maintained N if not system-maintained | |
column_updateable | char(1) | Y if the column can be updated N if the column cannot be updated Blank if unknown | |
column_has_default | char(1) | Y if the column is defined with a default value, N if the column is defined as not default, U if the column is defined without a default Blank if unknown | |
column_default_val | varchar(1501) | The value of the default if the column has one Null if the default is not specified, NOT DEFAULT, or not known It contains surrounding and embedded quotes for character defaults, per ISO Entry SQL92 semantics. | |
security_audit_key | char(1) | Y if column is a security audit key N if column is not a security audit key | |
column_always_ident | char(1) | Y if column is declared as GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, N if not | |
column_bydefault_ident | char(1) | Y if column is declared as GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, N if not | |
column_encrypted | char(1) | Y if the column is encrypted, N if not | |
column_encrypt_width | integer | The width of an encrypted column, including the data itself and encryption overhead. | |
column_encrypt_salt | char(1) | Y if salt (extra initialization bits) is included in the encryption, N if not. The default is Y for encrypted columns. | |
column_encrypt_crc | char(1) | Y if a data validation hash is included for encryption; for Ingres 10.0 this is always Y for encrypted columns. | |
column_has_mask | char(1) | Y if column data is masked, N if not | |
column_mask_value | varchar(1501) | The value of the column mask. | |
column_has_minmax | char(1) | Y if column has a min-max index, N if not | |
column_minmax_autotune | char(1) | Y if column is considered for inclusion into smart minmax. | |
column_location | varchar(32) | The location of the column. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
constraint_name | char(256) | The name of the constraint |
schema_name | char(32) | The name of the schema |
index_name | char(256) | The name of the index |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
constraint_name | char(256) | The name of the constraint |
schema_name | char(32) | The name of the schema |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table |
constraint_type | char(1) | The type of constraint: U if Unique P if Primary C if Check R if References Blank |
create_date | char(25) | The date the constraint was created |
text_sequence | integer8 | The sequence number, from 1, for the text_segment |
text_segment | varchar(240) | The text of the constraint definition |
system_use | char(1) | U if the object is a user object G if generated by the system for the user. A status of G is used for constraints or views with check option. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
object_name | char(256) | The name of the table, view or index |
object_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table, view or index |
object_type | char(1) | Always T |
short_remark | char(60) | The text of the short remark Blank if none |
text_sequence | integer8 | Always 1; the sequence number of the long_remark |
long_remark | varchar (1600) | The text of the long remark If none, a zero-length string |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
object_name | char(256) | The name of the table, view or index |
object_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table, view or index |
subobject_name | char(256) | The name of the column |
subobject_type | char(1) | Always C |
short_remark | char(60) | The text of the short remark Blank if none |
text_sequence | integer8 | Always 1; the sequence number of the long_remark. |
long_remark | varchar(1600) | The text of the long remark If none, a zero-length string |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
cap_capability | char(32) | Contains one of the values listed in the capability column of the table below. |
cap_value | char(32) | The contents of this field depend on the capability; see the Value column in the table below. |
Capability | Value |
DB_DELIMITED_CASE | The case of delimited identifiers: LOWER for lowercase (Vector setting) MIXED for mixed case (ISO Entry SQL92 setting) If MIXED, an identifier must be enclosed in double quotes to maintain its original case; otherwise, it is converted to uppercase. |
DB_NAME_CASE | The case of regular identifiers: LOWER for lowercase (Vector setting) UPPER for uppercase (ISO Entry SQL92 setting) |
DB_REAL_USER_CASE | The case of user names as retrieved by the operating system. LOWER for lowercase (Vector setting) MIXED for mixed case UPPER for uppercase |
DBMS_TYPE | The type of DBMS the application is communicating with. Valid values are the same as those accepted by the WITH DBMS = clause. Examples: INGRES (default) INGRES_VECTORWISE STAR RMS |
DISTRIBUTED | Y if the database is distributed N if database is local |
ESCAPE | Y if DBMS supports the ESCAPE clause of the LIKE predicate in the WHERE clause N if ESCAPE is not supported |
INGRES | Y if the DBMS supports all aspects of Release 6 and Ingres (the default) N if not |
INGRES/SQL_LEVEL | Version of SQL supported by the DBMS Examples: 01020 Ingres 10.2 01100 Ingres 11.0 01110 Ingres 11.1 00000 DBMS does not support SQL |
INGRES/QUEL_LEVEL | Version of QUEL supported by the DBMS |
INGRES_RULES | Y if rules supported N if rules not supported |
INGRES_UDT | Y if user-defined data types supported N if user-defined data types not supported |
INGRES_AUTH_GROUP | Y if group identifiers supported N if group identifiers not supported |
INGRES_AUTH_ROLE | Y if role identifiers supported N if role identifiers not supported |
INGRES_LOGICAL_KEY | Y if logical keys supported N if logical keys not supported |
MAX_COLUMNS | Maximum number of columns allowed in a table. |
MIXEDCASE_NAMES | Y if case is significant in object names. N if ABC, Abc, and abc are all equivalent object names. |
NATIONAL_CHARACTER_SET | Y if Unicode supported N if Unicode not supported |
OPEN_SQL_DATES | Contains LEVEL 1 if the Enterprise Access Server supports the OpenSQL date data type. Absent if OpenSQL date data type is implicitly supported when accessing a standard DBMS server. |
OPEN/SQL_LEVEL | Version of OpenSQL supported by the DBMS Examples: 00860 Ingres 2.6 00902 Ingres r3 00904 Ingres 9.0 Note: Use this name instead of the deprecated COMMON/SQL_LEVEL. |
OWNER_NAME | schema.table format is supported with optional quotes. The default is QUOTED. |
PHYSICAL_SOURCE | T indicates that iitables contains physical table information. P (a deprecated setting) indicates that only iiphysical_tables contains the physical table information. T is the default and only current usage. |
QUEL_LEVEL | Text version of QUEL support level. Example: II11.0.0 |
SAVEPOINTS | Y if savepoints behave exactly as in Vector (default) N if not |
SLAVE2PC | Indicates if the DBMS supports 2-phase commit slave protocol: Y for Release 6.3 and above N for Star N usually for Enterprise Access If not present, Y is assumed. |
SQL_MAX_NCHAR_COLUMN_LEN | Maximum number of characters for an NCHAR column |
SQL_MAX_NVCHR_COLUMN_LEN | Maximum number of characters for an NVARCHAR column |
SQL_LEVEL | Text version of SQL support level. |
STANDARD_CATALOG_LEVEL | Release of the standard catalog interface supported by this database. Examples: 01000 01100 01110 |
UNIQUE_KEY_REQ | Y if the database service requires that some or all tables have a unique key. N or not present if the database service allows tables without unique keys. |
SQL_MAX_BYTE_COLUMN_LEN | Maximum number of characters for a BYTE column |
SQL_MAX_BYTE_LITERAL_LEN | Maximum number of characters for a BYTE LITERAL column |
SQL_MAX_CHAR_COLUMN_LEN | Maximum number of characters for a CHAR column |
SQL_MAX_CHAR_LITERAL_LEN | Maximum number of characters for a CHAR LITERAL column |
SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN | Maximum number of characters for a column name |
SQL_MAX_DECIMAL_PRECISION | Maximum decimal precision |
SQL_MAX_PROCEDURE_NAME_LEN | Maximum number of characters for a procedure name |
SQL_MAX_ROW_LEN | Maximum length of a row |
SQL_MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN | Maximum number of characters for a schema name |
SQL_MAX_STATEMENTS | Maximum number of SQL statements If 0 unlimited |
SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN | Maximum number of characters for a table name |
SQL_MAX_USER_NAME_LEN | Maximum number of characters for a user name - 32 |
SQL_MAX_VBYT_COLUMN_LEN | Maximum number of characters for a VARBYTE column - 32000 |
SQL_MAX_VCHR_COLUMN_LEN | Maximum number of characters for a VARCHAR column - 32000 |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
user_name | c(32) | The name of the current user |
dba_name | c(32) | The name of the database owner |
system_owner | varchar(32) | The name of the catalog owner ($ingres) |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the partitioned table |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table |
dimension | smallint | The dimension being described, counting from 1 |
column_name | char(256) | The name of the partitioning column |
column_sequence | smallint | The sequence of this column in this dimension's partitioning value, counting from 1 |
column_datatype | char(32) | The data type of the column. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the partitioned table |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table |
dimension | smallint | The dimension being described, counting from 1 |
partitioning_columns | smallint | The number of columns that make up the partitioning value for a value-based partitioning rule |
logical_partitions | smallint | The number of logical partitions in this dimension |
partitioning_rule | varchar(9) | The partitioning rule: AUTOMATIC HASH LIST RANGE |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
event_name | char(32) | The name of the event |
event_owner | char(32) | The owner of the event |
text_sequence | integer8 | The sequence number from 1 for the text_segment |
text_segment | varchar(240) | The dbevent text definition |
security_label | char(8) | Empty string This column is deprecated. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table |
owner_name | char(32) | The owner of the table |
file_name | char(8) | Name of the file that contains the table |
file_ext | char(3) | Extension of the file that contains an extent of the table. The first extent is named t00, succeeding extensions are named t01, t02, and so on. |
location | char(32) | The location of the file |
base_id | integer | Reltid from iirelation |
index_id | integer | Reltidx from iirelation |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The table for the histogram |
table_owner | char(32) | The name of the owner |
column_name | char(256) | The name of the column |
text_sequence | integer8 | The sequence number from 1 for the text_segment |
text_segment | char(228) | The encoded histogram data created by optimizedb |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
index_name | char(256) | The index containing column_name |
index_owner | char(32) | The name of the index owner |
column_name | char(256) | The name of the column |
key_sequence | smallint | Sequence of column in the key, numbered from 1 |
sort_direction | char(1) | Defaults to A for ascending |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
index_name | char(256) | The index name |
index_owner | char(32) | The name of the index owner |
create_date | char(25) | Creation date of index |
base_name | char(256) | The base table name |
base_owner | char(32) | The base table owner |
storage_structure | char(16) | The storage structure for the index: HASH ISAM BTREE RTREE |
is_compressed | char(1) | Y if the table is stored in compressed format N if the table is uncompressed Blank if unknown |
key_is_compressed | char(1) | Y if the table uses key compression N if no key compression Blank if unknown |
unique_rule | char(1) | U if the index is unique D if duplicate key values are allowed Blank if unknown |
unique_scope | char(1) | R if this object is row-level S if statement-level Blank if not applicable |
system_use | char(1) | S if the object is a system object U if user object G if generated by the system for the user Blank if unknown Used by utilities to determine which tables need reloading |
persistent | char(1) | Y if the index re-created after a modify of the table N if not |
index_pagesize | integer | The page size of an index |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table |
expire_date | char(25) | How long to save this table A value of 1970_01_01 00:00:00 GMT indicates table never expires. |
table_integrities | char(1) | Y if integrities exist on this table N if not |
table_permits | char(1) | Y if permits exist on this table N if not |
all_to_all | char(1) | Y if any user can perform any operation on this table N if not |
ret_to_all | char(1) | Y if any user can retrieve data from this table |
row_width | integer | Maximum width of tuple in bytes |
is_journalled | char(1) | N if not journaled Y if journaled. C if journaled started/stopped after next checkpoint |
view_base | char(1) | Deprecated. Value set to N. |
modify_date | char(25) | Date of last modify performed on the table If never modified, the table creation date |
table_ifillpct | smallint | Fill factor for B-tree index pages Otherwise unused |
table_dfillpct | smallint | Fill factor for data pages if table does not have HEAP structure |
table_lfillpct | smallint | Fill factor for B-tree leaf pages |
table_minpages | integer | Minimum number of hash buckets to use if modifying to HASH structure |
table_maxpages | integer | Maximum number of hash buckets to use if modifying to HASH structure |
location_name | char(32) | Name of first location for data files |
table_reltid | integer | Reltid from iirelation |
table_reltidx | integer | Reltidx from iirelation |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table |
create_date | char(25) | The creation date of the integrity |
integrity_number | smallint | The number of the integrity |
text_sequence | integer8 | The sequence number from 1 for the text_segment |
text_segment | varchar(240) | The text of the integrity definition |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
constraint_name | char(256) | The name of the constraint |
schema_name | char(32) | The name of the schema |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table |
column_name | char(256) | The name of the column |
key_position | smallint | A number indicating the key position |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table key is on |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table |
column_name | char(256) | Name of key component column |
key_sequence | smallint | Position of column in key. 1 being the most significant component |
sort_direction | varchar(1) | A: Ascending sort. (Currently only ascending indexes are supported.) |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | Name of the object column is part of |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the object |
create_date | char(25) | Date object was created |
table_type | char(8) | T if attribute is part of a table V if attribute is part of a view I if attribute is part of an index |
table_subtype | char(1) | Always N |
table_version | char(5) | II9.0 for current release of product |
system_use | char(1) | S if part of a system catalog U if part of a user object |
column_name | char(256) | Name of attribute. |
column_datatype | char(32) | Long name of data type for this column |
column_length | integer | Size in bytes of data |
column_nulls | char(1) | N if not nullable Y if column supports nulls |
column_defaults | char(1) | N if no default for this column Y if a default value exists for this column |
column_sequence | smallint | Position of this column in table |
key_sequence | smallint | Position in key for this table or zero |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the partitioned table |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table |
dimension | smallint | The dimension being described, counting from 1 |
logical_partseq | smallint | The logical partition sequence number in its dimension, counting from 1 |
partition_name | char(256) | The name of the partition If no name is assigned in the partition definition, a name of the form iipartNN is used, where NN is a sequence number. |
value_sequence | smallint | The partitioning value being described: RANGE then incremental from 1 LIST then incremental from 1 AUTOMATIC then one entry with a zero value_sequence HASH then one entry with a zero value_sequence |
column_sequence | smallint | The column component in the partitioning value: RANGE then incremental from 1 LIST then incremental from 1 AUTOMATIC then one entry with a zero column_sequence HASH then one entry with a zero column_sequence |
operator | varchar(7) | If the partitioning is based on: RANGE then <, <=, =, >=, > LIST then =, DEFAULT AUTOMATIC then blank HASH then blank |
value | varchar (1500) | If the partitioning is based on: RANGE then column value LIST then column value (if DEFAULT, then meaningless) AUTOMATIC then NULL HASH then NULL |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table |
loc_sequence | smallint | The sequence of this location in the list of locations specified in the modify command. Numbered from 1. |
location_name | char(32) | The name of the location |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
object_name | char(256) | The name of the table, view, or procedure |
object_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table, view, or procedure |
permit_grantor | char(32) | The name of the user granting the permit |
object_type | char(1) | The type of the object: T if a table P if a database procedure E if an event V if a view |
create_date | char(25) | The creation date of the permit |
permit_user | char(32) | The user name to which this permit applies |
permit_depth | smallint | Indicates relative ordering distance of the permit holder from the object owner, as established in the grant with grant option statements |
permit_number | smallint | The number of this permit |
text_sequence | integer8 | The sequence number from 1 for the text_segment |
text_segment | varchar(240) | The text of the permission definition |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table |
table_stats | char(1) | Y if this object has entries in the iistats table |
table_indexes | char(1) | Y if this object has entries in iiindexes that see this as a base table |
is_readonly | char(1) | Y if updates are physically allowed on this object |
concurrent_access | char(1) | Y if concurrent access is allowed |
num_rows | integer | The estimated number of rows in the table -1 if unknown |
storage_structure | char(16) | The storage structure of the table: HEAP BTREE ISAM HASH |
is_compressed | char(1) | Y if the table is compressed N if not compressed Blank if unknown |
key_is_compressed | char(1) | Y if the table uses key compression N if no key compression Blank if unknown |
duplicate_rows | char(1) | U if rows must be unique D if duplicates are allowed Blank if unknown |
unique_rule | char(1) | U if the storage structure is unique D if duplicates are allowed Blank if unknown or inapplicable |
number_pages | integer | The estimated number of physical pages -1 if unknown |
overflow_pages | integer | The estimated number of overflow pages -1 if unknown |
row_width | integer | The size in bytes of the uncompressed binary value for the row -1 if unknown |
allocation_size | integer | The allocation size, in pages -1 if unknown |
extend_size | integer | The extend size, in pages -1 if unknown |
allocated_pages | integer | The total number of pages allocated to the table |
label_granularity | char(1) | An empty string This column is deprecated. |
row_security_audit | char(1) | Y if per-row security auditing is enabled N if not |
security_label | char(8) | An empty string This column is deprecated. |
table_pagesize | integer | The page size of a table |
table_relversion | smallint | Table layout version. Starts at zero when table is first created and is incremented when column layouts are altered; reset to zero when the table is modified. |
table_reltotwid | integer | Width of table record in bytes |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
procedure_name | char(256) | The name of the procedure |
procedure_owner | char(32) | The owner of the procedure |
create_date | char(25) | The creation date of the procedure |
proc_subtype | varchar(1) | N if native |
text_sequence | integer8 | The sequence number from 1 for the test_segment |
text_segment | varchar(240) | The text of the procedure definition |
system_use | char(1) | U if the object is a user object G if generated by the system for the user |
security_label | char(8) | An empty string This column is deprecated. |
row_proc | char(1) | Y if the procedure is row producing N if the procedure is not row producing |
is_func | char(1) | Y if this is a function procedure N if this is a normal procedure |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
object_name | char(256) | Name of database procedure |
object_owner | char(32) | Owner of database procedure |
permit_grantor | char(32) | Grantor of privilege to this procedure |
object_type | char(1) | Always P (database procedure) |
create_date | char(25) | Procedure creation date |
permit_user | char(32) | Name of the grantee |
permit_depth | smallint | Depth of dependencies this procedure permission depends on |
permit_number | smallint | Reserved for future usage |
text_sequence | integer8 | Sequence number from 1 for the text segment |
text_segment | varchar(240) | The text of the procedure definition |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
procedure_name | char(256) | Name of database procedure |
procedure_owner | char(32) | Owner of database procedure |
param_name | char(256) | Name of parameter |
param_sequence | smallint | Which argument this parameter corresponds to (1 = first) |
param_datatype | char(32) | Data type of parameter |
param_datatype_code | smallint | Numeric representation of datatype. See column_ing_datatype in iicolumns for these values. |
param_length | integer | The column length Displays the precision for decimal data type, zero for money and date |
param_scale | integer | Displays the scale for decimal data type, zero for all other data types |
param_nulls | char(1) | Y if this parameter is NULLable |
param_defaults | char(1) | Y if this parameter has a default value |
param_default_val | varchar(1501) | Default value used if default parameter provided |
param_input | char(1) | Y if the corresponding procedure parameter is declared as IN in the database procedure definition |
param_output | char(1) | Y if the corresponding procedure parameter is declared as OUT |
param_inout | char(1) | Y if the corresponding procedure parameter is declared as INOUT |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
procedure_name | char(256) | The name of the procedure |
procedure_owner | char(32) | The owner of the procedure |
rescol_name | char(256) | The name of the parameter/result column |
rescol_sequence | smallint | Ordinal position of parameter or result column in procedure declaration |
rescol_datatype | char(32) | Datatype of parameter/result column |
rescol_datatype_code | smallint | Numeric representation of datatype |
rescol_length | integer | Length of parameter/result column |
rescol_scale | integer | The second number in a two-part user length specification; for type name (len1, len2) it is len2 |
rescol_nulls | char(1) | Y indicates this parameter is null |
rescol_param | char(1) | Y indicates this is a parameter N indicates this is a result column |
rescol_defaults | char(1) | Y indicates this parameter has a default value |
rescol_default_val | varchar(1501) | Default value used if default parameter provided |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
rng_baseid | integer | Identifier for the base table |
rng_indexid | integer | Identifier for the rtree index table |
rng_ll1 | float8 | Lower-left coordinate of range box for the first dimension |
rng_ll2 | float8 | Lower-left coordinate of range box for the second dimension |
rng_ll3 | float8 | Lower-left coordinate of range box for the third dimension. This column is currently not in use. |
rng_ll4 | float8 | Lower-left coordinate of range box for the forth dimension. This column is currently not in use. |
rng_ur1 | float8 | Upper-right coordinate of range box for the first dimension |
rng_ur2 | float8 | Upper-right coordinate of range box for the second dimension |
rng_ur3 | float8 | Upper-right coordinate of range box for the third dimension. This column is currently not in use. |
rng_ur4 | float8 | Upper-right coordinate of range box for the forth dimension. This column is currently not in use. |
rng_dimension | smallint | Dimension of range box Currently, the value is 2. |
rng_hilbertsize | smallint | The size of the hilbert function for the range |
rng_rangedt | smallint | The data type of the range box, either box or ibox |
rng_rangetype | char(1) | The data type of the range box's coordinates: I if integer F if float |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
ref_constraint_name | char(256) | The name of the referential constraint |
ref_schema_name | char(32) | The name of the schema on which the referential constraint applies |
ref_table_name | char(256) | The name of the table on which the referential constraint applies |
unique_constraint_name | char(256) | The name of the unique constraint |
unique_schema_name | char(32) | The name of the schema on which the unique constraint applies |
unique_table_name | char(256) | The name of the table on which the unique constraint applies |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
object_name | char(256) | The name of the registered table, view, or index |
object_owner | char(32) | The name of the owner of the table, view, or index |
object_dml | char(1) | The language used in the registration statement S if SQL Q if QUEL |
object_type | char(2) | Object type: T if object is a table V if a view I if an index |
object_subtype | char(1) | Describes the type of table or view created by the register statement: L if this is a link for Star I if this is an imported object for Enterprise Access |
text_sequence | integer8 | The sequence number from 1 for the text_segment |
text_segment | varchar (240) | The text of the register statement |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
rule_name | char(256) | The name of the rule |
rule_owner | char(32) | The name of the person who defined the rule |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table that the rule was defined against |
text_sequence | integer8 | The sequence number for the text segment |
text_segment | varchar(240) | The text of the rule definition |
system_use | char(1) | U if the object is a user object G if generated by the system for the user; used for constraints or views with check option |
Column Name | Data Type | Description | |
alarm_name | char(32) | The name of the security alarm | |
object_name | char(256) | The name of the table to which the security alarm applies | |
object_owner | char(32) | The owner of the security alarm | |
object_type | char(1) | The type of object to which the security alarm applies Always T | |
create_date | char(25) | The date the security alarm was created | |
subject_type | char(1) | U if the security_user is a user G if a group R if a role P if a public identifier | |
security_user | char(32) | The user to which the security alarm applies | |
security_number | smallint | The security alarm number | |
dbevent_name | char(32) | Database event associated with the alarm | |
dbevent_owner | char(32) | Owner of the database event | |
dbevent_text | char(256) | Text of the database event | |
text_sequence | integer8 | The sequence number from 1 for the text_segment | |
text_segment | varchar(240) | The text of the security alarm statement definition |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
priv_name | char(32) | The name of privilege |
priv_access | char(32) | Y if privilege held N if privilege not held |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
seq_name | char(256) | The name of the sequence |
seq_owner | char(32) | The owner of the sequence |
create_date | ingresdate | The date on which the sequence was created |
modify_date | ingresdate | The date on which the sequence was last altered |
data_type | varchar(7) | The data type of the sequence integer bigint decimal |
seq_length | smallint | The size in bytes of the sequence value |
seq_precision | integer | The precision in decimal digits of the sequence value |
start_value | decimal(31) | The start value (or restart value) of the sequence |
increment_value | decimal(31) | The increment value of the sequence |
next_value | decimal(31) | The next sequence value to be assigned |
min_value | decimal(31) | The minimum value of the sequence |
max_value | decimal(31) | The maximum value of the sequence |
cache_size | integer | The number of cached sequence values |
start_flag | char(1) | Y if start value was defined N if start value was not defined |
incr_flag | char(1) | Y if increment value was defined N if increment value was not defined |
min_flag | char(1) | Y if minimum value was defined N if minimum value was not defined |
max_flag | char(1) | Y if maximum value was defined N if maximum value was not defined |
restart_flag | char(1) | Y if restart value was defined N if restart value was not defined |
cache_flag | char(1) | Y if cache value was defined N if cache value was not defined |
cycle_flag | char(1) | Y if cycle was defined N if cycle was not defined |
order_flag | char(1) | Y if order was defined N if order was not defined |
seql_flag | char(1) | Y if sequential (not unordered) sequence N if not sequential sequence |
unordered_flag | char(1) | Y if unordered sequence N if not unordered sequence |
ident_flag | char(1) | Y if sequence associated with an identity column N if not |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table |
column_name | char(256) | The column name to which the statistics apply |
create_date | char(25) | The date on which statistics were gathered |
num_unique | float4 | The number of unique values in the column |
rept_factor | float4 | The repetition factor |
has_unique | char(1) | Y if the column has unique values N if the column is not unique |
pct_nulls | float4 | The percentage (fraction of 1.0) of the table that contains NULL for the column |
num_cells | smallint | The number of cells in the histogram |
column_domain | smallint | A user-specified number signifying the domain from which the column draws its values; default is 0 |
is_complete | char(1) | Y if the column contains all possible values in the domain N if the column does not contain all possible values in the domain |
stat_version | char(8) | The version of the statistics for this column, for example, II9.0 |
hist_data_length | smallint | The length of the histogram boundary values: Either the specified length Or length computed by optimizedb |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
synonym_name | char(256) | The name of the synonym |
synonym_owner | char(32) | The owner of the synonym |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table, view or index for which the synonym was created |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table, view, or index for which the synonym was created |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the table |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table |
create_date | char(25) | The creation date of the object Blank if unknown |
alter_date | char(25) | The last time this table was altered. Updated when the structure of the table changes through changes to the columns in the table or to the primary key. Physical changes to the table, such as changes to data, secondary indexes, or physical keys, do not change this date. Blank if unknown. |
table_type | char(1) | Type of the query object: T if table V if view I if index P if physical partition of a partitioned table Further information about views can be found in iiviews. |
table_subtype | char(1) | Specifies the type of table or view. N if native for standard Vector databases L if links for Star I if imported tables for Enterprise Access Blank if unknown |
table_version | varchar(11) | Version of the object; enables the Vector tools to determine where additional information about this particular object is stored. This reflects the database type, as well as the version of an object in a given database. For Vector tables, the value for this field is II9.0. |
system_use | char(1) | S if the object is a system object U if user object G if generated by the system for the user Blank if unknown |
tups_per_page | integer | Maximum tuples per data page |
keys_per_page | integer | Maximum keys per index page for ISAM and BTREE tables |
keys_per_leaf | integer | Maximum keys per leaf for BTREE tables |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_stats | char(1) | Y if the iistats table has entries N if the iistats table does not have entries Blank if query iistats to determine if statistics exist. |
table_indexes | char(1) | Y if this object has entries in iiindexes that see this as a base table N if this object does not have entries Blank if query iiindexes on the base_table column |
is_readonly | char(1) | N if updates are allowed Y if no updates are allowed Blank if unknown Used for tables defined to Enterprise Access for retrieval only (such as tables in a hierarchical database). If Y updates cannot occur, irrespective of the permissions set If N updates are allowed depending on the permissions setting |
concurrent_access | char(1) | Y if concurrent access is allowed |
num_rows | integer | The estimated number of rows in the table -1 if unknown If value is for a partitioned table, this is the total for all partitions |
storage_structure | char(16) | The storage structure of the table: HEAP HASH BTREE ISAM |
is_compressed | char(1) | Y if the table is compressed N if the table is uncompressed Blank if unknown |
key_is_compressed | char(1) | Y if the table uses key compression N if no key compression Blank if unknown |
duplicate_rows | char(1) | D if the table allows duplicate rows U if the table does not allow duplicate rows Blank if unknown The table storage structure (unique vs. non-unique keys) can override this setting. |
unique_rule | char(1) | D if duplicate keys are allowed. (A unique alternate key exists in iialt_columns and any storage structure keys are listed in iicolumns.) U if the object is an Vector object, indicates that the object has unique storage structure keys. If the object is not an Vector object, it indicates that the object has a unique key, described in either iicolumns or iialt_columns. Blank if uniqueness is unknown or does not apply. |
number_pages | integer | The estimated number of used pages in the table -1 if unknown If the value is for a partitioned table, this is the total for all partitions. |
overflow_pages | integer | The estimated number of overflow pages in the table -1 if unknown |
partition_dimensions | smalliint | For a partitioned table, this is the number of dimensions (partitioning levels) in the table's partitioning scheme. In all other cases, this is zero. |
phys_partitions | smallint | For a partitioned table, this is the number of physical partitions. For a physical partition, this is the partition number In all other cases, this is zero. |
row_width | integer | The size in bytes of the uncompressed binary value for a row of this query object. For encrypted tables, the width of the encrypted row. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
expire_date | integer | Expiration date of table |
modify_date | char(25) | The date when the table was last modified Blank if unknown or inapplicable |
location_name | char(32) | The first location of the table. If there are additional locations for a table, they are shown in the iimulti_locations table and multi_locations are set to Y. |
table_integrities | char(1) | Y if this object has Vector style integrities Blank if query the iiintegrities table to determine if integrities exist |
table_permits | char(1) | Y if this object has Vector style permissions |
all_to_all | char(1) | Y if this object has Vector permit all to all N if not |
ret_to_all | char(1) | Y if this object has Vector permit retrieve to all N if not |
is_journalled | char(1) | Y if journaling is enabled on this object N if journaling is disabled on this object C if journaling is enabled/disabled after the next online checkpoint |
view_base | char(1) | Deprecated. Value set to N. |
multi_locations | char(1) | Y if the table is in multiple locations N if the table is single location |
table_ifillpct | smallint | Fill factor, expressed as a percentage, for the index pages Specified in modify command nonleaffill clause |
table_dfillpct | smallint | Fill factor, expressed as a percentage, for the data pages Specified in modify command fillfactor clause |
table_lfillpct | smallint | Fill factor, expressed as a percentage, for the leaf pages Specified in modify command leaffill clause |
table_minpages | integer | Minpages parameter from the last execution of the modify command. Used for hash structures only. |
table_maxpages | integer | Maxpages parameter from the last execution of the modify command. Used for hash structures only. |
table_relstamp1 | integer | High part of last create or modify timestamp for the table |
table_relstamp2 | integer | Low part of last create or modify timestamp for the table |
table_reltid | integer | Reltid from iirelation |
table_reltidx | integer | Reltidx from iirelation |
* unique_scope | char(1) | R if this object is row-level S if statement-level Blank if not applicable |
* allocation_size | integer | The allocation size, in pages. Set to -1 if unknown. |
* extend_size | integer | The extend size, in pages -1 if unknown |
* allocated_pages | integer | The total number of pages allocated to the table |
row_security_audit | char(1) | Y if row-level security auditing is enabled N if not |
table_pagesize | integer | Page size of a table |
table_relversion | smallint | Version of table |
table_reltotwid | integer | Width of the table, including all deleted columns. For encrypted tables, the width of the encrypted row. |
table_reltcpri | smallint | Table's priority in the buffer cache Values can be between 0 - 8: Zero is the default. 1 - 8 can be specified in the priority clause of a create table or modify table statement. |
label_granularity | char(1) | Empty string This column is deprecated. |
security_label | char(8) | Empty string This column is deprecated. |
table_reldatawid | integer | The size in bytes of the uncompressed binary value for a row of this query object (for encrypted tables, the width of the decrypted row) |
table_reltotdatawid | integer | Width of the table, including all deleted columns (for encrypted tables, the width of the decrypted row) |
encrypted_columns | char(1) | Y if the table contains encrypted columns N if not |
encryption_version | smallint | Internal version number of column encryption for the table (0 if there is no encryption) |
encryption_type | varchar | Column encryption type (NONE, AES128, AES192, or AES256) |
minmax_samples | char(1) | Y if the min-max index for the table is sampled N if not |
minmax_autotune | char(1) | Y if the table uses smart minmax N if not |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | char(256) | The name of the view |
table_owner | char(32) | The owner of the view |
view_dml | char(1) | The language in which the view was created: S if SQL Q if QUEL |
check_option | char(1) | Y if the check option was specified N if not Blank if unknown |
text_sequence | integer8 | The sequence number from 1 for the text_segment |
text_segment | varchar(240) | The text of the view definition |