Auditing Workload Management
Workload management auditing, if enabled, writes an entry into the iiwlm_log table in the iidbdb database whenever a query completes. The information in this table can be used to do offline analysis of workload management performance.
Note: For concurrency purposes, this information is written to an internal memory buffer and written into iidbdb by the workload manager audit thread. If, for some reason, the buffer cannot be flushed to disk (possibly due to locks), auditing will stop when the buffer reaches 1000 queries and will resume when the buffer can be flushed.
To enable workload management auditing
Use either of the following methods:
• Issue the SQL statement ALTER WLM AUDIT ENABLE.
• Update the audit column in the iiwlm_config system catalog in iidbdb, and then issue the statement ALTER WLM RECONFIGURE FROM TABLES to effect the change.
To disable workload management auditing
Use either of the following methods:
• Issue the statement ALTER WLM AUDIT DISABLE.
• Update the audit column in the iiwlm_config system catalog in iidbdb, and then issue the statement ALTER WLM RECONFIGURE FROM TABLES to effect the change.
To see whether workload management auditing is enabled
Issue the statement SELECT DBMSINFO('WLM_AUDIT').
The result shows Y if auditing is enabled or N if not. Default is N.
Last modified date: 12/06/2024