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Reporting on DBT-3 Database Benchmark
An example scenario is the one modeled by the DBT-3 database benchmark, available in open source at
This benchmark defines a data warehouse with customers placing orders consisting of multiple line items. Each line item is a number of parts; parts are supplied by multiple suppliers. The benchmark comes with a data generator (dbgen) and set of queries (22 reporting queries and 2 update streams). The size of the database can be scaled using a scaling factor (SF). The default SF is 1, which represents 1 GB.
The schema contains the following table and foreign key relationships:
The largest table is "lineitem" (indicated in the drawing by the most saturated color). The number of tuples in each table is shown in parentheses. Arrows indicate the one-to-many relationships between tables.
This benchmark tests a number of business intelligence (BI) features, including:
Joins between a large fact table (lineitem) and smaller dimension tables (part, supplier, nation, region), followed by groupings
Large joins (between lineitem, order, and partsupp)
Correlated subqueries
Complex string predicates (such as LIKE)
Top-N processing (getting the first N tuples of an ORDER BY)
Last modified date: 12/06/2024