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vwinfo Statistics Display
Here is an example of the statistics output from the vwinfo command:
|stat                                  |value                               |
|memory.memcontext_allocated           |30920304                            |
|memory.memcontext_maximum             |214748364                           |
|memory.memcontext_peak                |41797856                            |
|memory.memcontext_virtual_allocated   |30920304                            |
|memory.memcontext_virtual_maximum     |70368744177664                      |
|memory.memcontext_virtual_peak        |66593025904                         |
|memory.index_allocated                |3579844                             |
|memory.update_allocated               |0                                   |
|memory.update_maximum                 |53687091                            |
|memory.committed_transactions         |0                                   |
|memory.bufferpool_maximum             |3148349440                          |
|memory.other_allocated                |19360                               |
|bm.block_size                         |524288                              |
|bm.group_size                         |8                                   |
|bm.columnspace_used_blocks            |8                                   |
|bm.bufferpool_total_blocks            |24197                               |
|bm.bufferpool_free_blocks             |24197                               |
|bm.bufferpool_used_blocks             |0                                   |
|bm.bufferpool_cached_blocks           |0                                   |
|system.active_sessions                |0                                   |
|system.log_file_size                  |33239111                            |
|system.threshold_log_condense         |33554432                            |
|server.port_number                    |54375                               |
|server.pid                            |12800                               |
Fields are as follows:
The total memory, in bytes, allocated and administered by Vector Server memory pooling. It includes the total memory used by currently running sessions and global server memory. It includes memory.updates_allocated, memory.committed_transactions, memory.index_allocated.
The maximum allowed amount of physical memory, in bytes. If this threshold is reached, some queries will stop working. It is configured with the [memory] max_memory_size configuration parameter.
The maximum amount of memory, in bytes, allocated at one single moment by running sessions during the lifetime of the server.
This information is useful for dimensioning the system. If this amount is close to the maximum allowed amount of physical memory, the server may return out-of-memory (OOM) errors. Consider changing the maximum allowed amount of physical memory on the [memory]max_memory_size configuration parameter and possibly adding more physical memory to the server.
The amount of virtual memory, in bytes, allocated by the currently running queries. In most cases, this amount is higher than the amount of physical memory. It indicates the address space the server is using rather than an amount of allocated memory. This memory is allocated only when the server will use it, and is then displayed in memory.memcontext_allocated. The server allocates more address space than memory to avoid memory fragmentation and copying when certain memory areas grow. You can influence this behavior with the [memory]max_overalloc configuration parameter.
The maximum allowed amount of allocated virtual memory, in bytes
The maximum amount of virtual memory, in bytes, allocated at one single moment by running sessions during the lifetime of the server. This value will always be lower than the maximum allowed amount of allocated virtual memory (memory.memcontext_virtual_maximum).
Note:  If this amount is close to the maximum, the server is running out of address space. A possible solution is lowering or disabling overallocation through the [memory]max_overalloc configuration parameter.
The total memory, in bytes, allocated for in-memory indexes (min-max indexes and secondary indexes, if supported)
The total memory, in bytes, used by memory-buffered updates of the committed transactions. The amount of this memory can be reduced by the automatic propagation mechanism. It can also be freed manually by issuing the statement MODIFY...TO COMBINE; COMMIT; on tables with in-memory updates, which will propagate the in-memory updates to disk.
The maximum amount of memory, in bytes, that can be used by memory-buffered updates. If memory.update_allocated reaches this limit, propagation is triggered. If propagation is not successful, and the limit is reached, the memory-buffered updates may stop being accepted.
The total memory, in bytes, used by stored committed transactions. Vector keeps some information about a transaction in memory as long as any overlapping transaction is still running. This information is needed for potential conflict resolution. When this value becomes too high, the user must commit or abort some or all current sessions to free the memory occupied by the committed transactions. A typical cause for this value becoming high is a single old transaction that is still active.
The total size, in bytes, of the buffer pool (disk block cache)
(Linux only) Miscellaneous memory allocated, in bytes, outside the memory pooling.
The disk block size used by this database. It is configured with the [cbm] block_size configuration parameter.
Note:  Changing this parameter is possible only before creating a database. Later changes are ignored.
The group size used by this database. It is configured with the [cbm] group_size configuration parameter.
Note:  Changing this parameter is possible only before creating a database. Later changes are ignored.
The number of blocks used in total over all files and all locations
The size of a buffer pool (disk data cache), in blocks. You can compute the total allowed physical size by multiplying this value by bm.block_size. This value is a sum of bm.bufferpool_free_blocks and bm.bufferpool_used_blocks.
The number of blocks in the buffer pool that can be used for new data
The number of blocks in the buffer pool that are currently locked by queries. This includes only blocks that are currently being used by scans and write to disk operations, which typically operate on only one block per column at a time. For statistics on cached data, see bm.bufferpool_cached_blocks.
The number of blocks in the buffer pool that contain cached data from disk
The number of currently running queries
Current size, in bytes, of the transaction log file
Size, in bytes of the transaction log file at which the system tries to compact it
The port used for internal communication between the client and server
The system process ID of the x100_server (iix100) process
Last modified date: 12/06/2024