Connectivity Guide > Connectivity Guide > Understanding .NET Data Provider Connectivity > Application Configuration File--Troubleshoot Applications
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Application Configuration File--Troubleshoot Applications
The .NET Data Provider offers a basic trace facility to assist the application developer in identifying a sequence of data provider method calls that may be called incorrectly by an application program. The developer can create a .NET application configuration file that contains keys for Ingres.trace.
For example, you can create a file called myApplication.exe.config in the same directory as the myApplication.exe executable. The myApplication.exe.config text file contains the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
        <add key="Ingres.trace.log" value="C:\temp\Ingres.trace.log" />
        <add key="Ingres.trace.timestamp" value="true" />
        <add key="Ingres.trace.drv" value="2" />
The value= key controls the level of tracing that is produced. Possible key values are as follows:
0 - no tracing (default)
1 - Basic function name detail
2 - Internal connection and messaging detail
3 - Internal state detail
4 - Internal status, length, and count detail
Capturing DBMS Server Trace Information
A .NET application using the .NET Data Provider can capture DBMS trace information from a DBMS Server of Release 9.1 (2006r2) or later. The DBMS trace information can include a Query Execution Plan (QEP), trace points, lock traces, and more. The application directs the data provider to capture the trace messages using the .NET application configuration file with a key of Ingres.trace.dbms.
For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
        <add key="Ingres.trace.log" value="C:\temp\Ingres.trace.log" />
        <add key="Ingres.trace.dbms" value="1" />
A sample code fragment that directs the DBMS Server to return trace information to the client may look like the following:
static void TraceQEPLock_Trace(string connstring)
    DbCommand cmd;
    using (IngresConnection conn = new IngresConnection(connstring))
        cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
        // SET PRINTQRY statement displays each query and its
        // parameters as it is passed to the DBMS Server for processing.
        cmd.CommandText = "set printqry";
        // SET LOCK_TRACE statement enables the display of locking
        // activity for the current session, including locks taken
        // and locks released.
        cmd.CommandText = "set Lock_Trace";
        // SET QEP statement displays diagrammatic representation
        // of the query execution plan chosen for the query
        // by the optimizer.
        cmd.CommandText = "set qep";
        // SET TRACE POINT QE90 statement to display
        // the estimated vs. actual cost in disk and
        // CPU time of running the query.
        cmd.CommandText = "set trace point qe90";
        // SET PRINTRULES statement causes the DBMS Server to send
        // a trace message to the application each time a rule is fired.
        cmd.CommandText = "set printrules";
        cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText =
                        "SELECT * FROM mytable";
        } // end using (IngresConnection conn)
The program output of such a code fragment may look like:
set Lock_Trace
set qep
set trace point qe90
set printrules
SELECT * FROM mytable
QUERY PLAN 1,1, no timeout, of main query    (output from SET QEP)
            Pages 1 Tups 1
            D1 C0
Pages 5 Tups 1                               (output from SET LOCK_TRACE)
    LOCK:   MVCC  PHYS                     Mode: IX  Timeout: NOWAIT
            Key: (mydatabase,mytable)
    LOCK:   TABLE PHYS                     Mode: IS  Timeout: NOWAIT
            Key: (mydatabase,mytable)
    LOCK:   PAGE  PHYS,LOCL,NOIN,QUTM      Mode: S   Timeout: 0
            Key: (mydatabase,mytable,0.0)
    UNLOCK: PAGE  Key: (mydatabase,mytable,0.0)
| 0|
ORIG                                         (output from SET TRACE POINT QE90)
at        1
et        1
ad        0
ed        1
ac        0
ec        1
et        0
Last modified date: 12/19/2024