ODBC Driver Manager Programs
The following are the installation requirements for the ODBC driver.
Windows: Microsoft's ODBC Driver Manager must be installed to use the ODBC driver (release 2.5 or above of the ODBC Driver Manager is acceptable). If the existing Windows installation has no ODBC Administrator or ODBC driver, these items can be downloaded as part of the Microsoft Data Access SDK (MDAC) from
Linux: The ODBC CLI is the preferred ODBC driver manager if no other ODBC drivers are required. No additional download is required. The only requirement for installation is to execute the utility iisuodbc. The iisuodbc utility provides configuration information to Ingres or Vector and creates an ODBC configuration file.
If the ODBC application requires non-Ingres ODBC drivers, unixODBC Driver Manager can be installed to use the Vector ODBC Driver. The unixODBC Driver Manager is often included with Linux installations or can be downloaded from
http://www.unixodbc.org. The download includes a Readme file with instructions for Linux.
UnixODBC Implementation Considerations
The ODBC Driver can be used with the unixODBC Driver Manager on non-Windows platforms. Unlike the ODBC CLI, the unixODBC Driver Manager allows other ODBC drivers to be used in addition to the Vector ODBC driver. To build the application, the include files sql.h and sqlext.h files in $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files can be used; alternatively, the include files sql.h, sqlext.h, sqltypes.h, and sqlucode.h provided with the unixODBC installation can be used.
UnixODBC data sources can be configured using the Ingres ODBC Administrator, just as for the ODBC CLI. Unlike the CLI, the ODBCINI and ODBCSYSINI environment variables must be specified. For more information about ODBCINI and ODBCSYSINI in the unixODBC environment, see the unixODBC documentation.
Linux: Example for building a unixODBC application on Linux:
cc -I . -I 'odbc_config --include-prefix' 'odbc_config --cflags' -c program_name.c
cc -o program_name program_name.o 'odbc_config --libs'
Note: odbc_config is provided as part of unixodbc. In the example, it is assumed to be in the path. On most Linux distributions the default location is /usr/bin.
Last modified date: 12/19/2024