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UDF Logging
The UDF engine log configuration works in the same way as the Vector database log file configuration. The configuration is read from a file called vwlog_udf.conf. To configure logging with containerized UDFs, move the vwlog_udf.conf_TMPL to the mapped location on the host machine (by default, II_SYSTEM/ingres/udf/log). The file must be named vwlog_udf.conf and the filename parameter path must be set to "/opt/Actian/vectorwise-udf/log/”
UDF logging is enabled by default for containerized UDFs. No further configuration is required if you accept the default UDF logging behaviour. By default, containerized UDFs will write log files into the II_SYSTEM/ingres/udf/log directory and non-containerized UDFs will write log files into the II_SYSTEM/ingres/files directory.
Follow these instructions only when there is a requirement to modify certain aspects of logging (location, default levels, etc):
To modify logging for non-containerized UDFs, change vwlog_udf.conf in II_SYSTEM/ingres/files.
When using containerized UDFs, the UDF engine log will be written to the local host directory mounted to the /opt/Actian/vectorwise-udf/log container directory. This directory will be automatically mapped to II_SYSTEM/ingres/udf/log on installation. The location can be changed if required.
When using non-containerized UDFs, the UDF engine log will be written to II_SYSTEM/ingres/files along with other Vector log files. This location can also be changed if required.
In both the modes, the vectorwise_udf.default.log file will be generated in the specified directory containing log output from the UDF engine process.
Last modified date: 12/19/2024