User Guide > User Guide > A. Command Reference > iisuremotefs Command--Set up and Configure Remote File Systems Support
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iisuremotefs Command--Set up and Configure Remote File Systems Support
The iisuremotefs command sets up Apache Hadoop and the Google Cloud Storage Connector for remote file systems support.
Note:  After running iisuremotefs, the installation needs to be restarted. This is required because iisuremotefs will update the config.dat file with remotefs specific settings.
The iisuremotefs command has the following format:
Linux, Windows
iisuremotefs [-options]
Specifies one of the following options:
-mkresponse [ <resfile> ]
(Linux only) Creates a response file that contains install parameters without doing the setup. The absolute path to the filename must be specified.
Default: ingrsp.rsp
This flag is mutually exclusive with the -exresponse flag.
-exresponse [ <resfile> ]
(Linux only) Reads installation parameters from a response file during an interactive install and runs the setup. The absolute path to the filename must be specified.
Default: ingrsp.rsp
This flag is mutually exclusive with the -mkresponse flag.
Downloads Apache Hadoop and the Google Cloud Storage Connector and runs the setup program in batch mode.
Downloads Apache Hadoop and runs the setup program in batch mode.
Downloads the Google Cloud Storage Connector and runs the setup program in batch mode. Requires Apache Hadoop to be installed.
-download_hadoop -download_gcsc
Downloads Apache Hadoop and the Google Cloud Storage Connector and runs the setup program in batch mode.
Displays the help message and exits.
The utility will run in interactive mode if the options are not specified and prompt for required user input.
Last modified date: 12/19/2024