User Guide > User Guide > A. Command Reference > logstat/iilogstat Command--Display Logging Status
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logstat/iilogstat Command--Display Logging Status
The logstat command displays the logging status. Any user can run this command but requires the database server to be up and running.
The iilogstat command is similar to the logstat command, with the restriction that it can be run only by an installation owner and it does not require the database server to be operational. For future releases, it is planned that it can be run only by the installation owner. Currently, there is no restriction but this is subject to change.
Note:  The logstat/iilogstat functions are included in the forms-based Interactive Performance Monitor (ipm) utility. For more information, see the Interactive Performance Monitor User Guide. You can also monitor log information using Actian Director.
The logstat/iilogstat command has the following format:
logstat/iilogstat [-buffers] [-databases] [-header] [-statistics]
[-processes] [-transactions] [-user_transactions]
[-special_transactions] [-all_transactions] [-verbose] [-help]
Displays a list of log buffers and their usage
Displays information on databases connected to the logging system
Displays current log file header
Displays logging system summary
Displays a list of processes connected to the logging system
Displays information on all transactions (same as -all_transactions)
Displays information on user transactions
Displays information related to system transactions
Displays information on all transactions (same as -transactions)
Displays all information
Displays command options online
Last modified date: 12/19/2024