IngresError Class
The IngresError class represents error or warning information returned by the Ingres database.
IngresError Class Declaration
The IngresError class can be declared as follows:
C#: [Serializable] public sealed class IngresError
VB.NET: NotInheritable Public Class IngresError
IngresError Class Example
The following is an implementation of the IngresError class:
static void PrintErrorCollection(IngresErrorCollection errcol)
foreach(IngresError err in errcol)
static void PrintError(IngresError err)
Console.Write(err.GetType().ToString() + ":\n");
Console.Write("\t" + "Message = " +
(err.Message !=null?
err.Message.ToString() :"<null>") + "\n");
Console.Write("\t" + "Source = " +
(err.Source!=null?err.Source.ToString():"<null>") + "\n");
Console.Write("\t" + "ToString: " + err.ToString() + "\n");
Console.Write("\t" + "Number = " +
(err.Number.ToString()) + "\n");
Console.Write("\t" + "SQLState = " +
(err.SQLState !=null?
err.SQLState.ToString() :"<null>") + "\n");
IngresError Class Properties
The IngresError class has the following properties:
IngresError Class Public Methods
The public methods available to the IngresError class are: